The P4 Compiler
No Matches
Here is a list of all topics with brief descriptions:
[detail level 1234]
 Assembly outputGenerate assembly output
 BackendOverview of backend passes
 Backtracking in PHV allocation and table placementDescription of PHV allocation and table placement phases of compilation
 Control Plane API Generation
 MAU/PPU resource allocationContent related to resource allocation inside MAU/PPU
 MidendOverview of midend passes
 BFN::AlpmImplementationSet of passes that implement ALPM
 BFN::AnnotateWithInHashSet of passes that annotate specific assignment statements with the @in_hash annotation
 BFN::ArchTranslationSet of passes that normalize variations in the architectures
 BFN::PortableSwitchTranslationSet of passes that translate PSA architecture
 BFN::SimpleSwitchTranslationSet of passes that translate v1model architecture
 BFN::T2naArchTranslationSet of passes that translate T2NA architecture
 BFN::TnaArchTranslationSet of passes that translate TNA architecture
 BFN::CheckDesignPatternSet of passes that check for design patterns
 BFN::ElimCastsSet of passes that simplify the complex expressions with multiple casts into simpler expressions
 BFN::RemoveActionParametersSet of passes that specialize the p4c/frontends/RemoveActionParameters class
 BFN::RemoveSelectBooleansSet of passes that convert boolean values in select statements to bit<1> values. The node is also transformed to IR:BFN:ReinterpretCasts
 BFN::RewriteFlexibleStructSet of passes that moves flexible annotation from structure to its fields
 BFN::SimplifyEmitArgsSet of passes that simplify headers and emits
 DesugarVarbitExtractSet of passes that rewrite usage of varbit
 P4::SimplifyIfStatementSet of passes that simplify if statements
 P4::SimplifyNestedIfSet of passes that simplify nested if statements in the deparser control block
 Overview of bf-p4cOverview of passes performed by the bf-p4c binary
 PHV allocationContent related to PHV allocation
 Parser & deparserContent related to parser and deparser
 DeparserCopyOptDecaf : a deparser optimization of copy assigned fields
 DesugarVarbitExtractSet of passes that rewrite usage of varbit
 ExtractChecksumExtracts checksum from translated checksum extern
 LowerParserReplace field-based parser and deparser IR with container-based parser and deparser IR
 LowerDeparserIRReplace deparser IR with lowered version that references containers instead of fields
 LowerParserIRGenerates a lowered version of the parser IR in this program and swaps it in for the existing representation
 AllocateParserChecksumsAllocates parser checksums
 ParserCopyPropPassManager that governs parser copy propagation
 P4::SimplifyNestedIfSet of passes that simplify nested if statements in the deparser control block
 ParserCopyPropPassManager that governs parser copy propagation
 ResetInvalidatedChecksumHeadersReset fields that are used in deparser checksum operations and were invalidated
 Post-midendOverview of post-midend passes
 Packing of bridged and fixed-size headersOverview of passes that adjust packing of bridged headers
 Stateful ALU OverviewContent related to stateful ALU
 Table placementContent related to table placement