unsigned | deparserGroupId (const PHV::Container &c) const override |
bool | hasParserExtractGroups () const override |
const bitvec & | individuallyAssignedContainers () const override |
unsigned | mauGroupId (const PHV::Container &c) const override |
bitvec | parserExtractGroup (unsigned id) const override |
bitvec | parserGroup (unsigned id) const override |
unsigned | parserGroupId (const PHV::Container &c) const override |
unsigned | physicalAddress (unsigned container_id, ArchBlockType_t) const override |
AddressSpec & | physicalAddressSpec (ArchBlockType_t) const override |
void | applyGlobalPragmas (const std::vector< const IR::Annotation * > &global_pragmas) const |
| apply global pragmas to cached info about available PHV containers
const std::set< PHV::Kind > & | containerKinds () const |
cstring | containerSetToString (const bitvec &set) const |
const std::set< PHV::Size > & | containerSizes () const |
unsigned | containerToId (PHV::Container container) const |
const std::vector< PHV::Type > & | containerTypes () const |
unsigned | containerTypeToId (PHV::Type type) const |
bitvec | deparserGroup (unsigned id) const |
const std::pair< int, int > | deparserGroupNumAndSize (const PHV::Type t) const |
const bitvec & | egressOnly () const |
bitvec | filterContainerSet (const bitvec &set, PHV::Kind kind) const |
| Filters a set of containers for a single container kind or type.
bitvec | filterContainerSet (const bitvec &set, PHV::Type type) const |
unsigned | getNumPovBits () const |
unsigned | getNumTagalongCollections () const |
unsigned | getTagalongCollectionId (PHV::Container c) const |
const std::map< PHV::Type, unsigned > | getTagalongCollectionSpec () const |
const std::map< PHV::Size, std::set< PHV::Type > > | groupsToTypes () const |
bool | hasContainerKind (PHV::Kind kind) const |
| Determines whether the device has the given kind of PHV container.
PHV::Container | idToContainer (unsigned id) const |
PHV::Type | idToContainerType (unsigned id) const |
const bitvec & | ingressOnly () const |
bitvec | ingressOrEgressOnlyContainers (const std::map< PHV::Size, std::vector< unsigned > > &gressOnlyMauGroupIds) const |
bitvec | mauGroup (unsigned container_id) const |
const std::pair< int, int > | mauGroupNumAndSize (const PHV::Type t) const |
const std::map< PHV::Size, std::vector< bitvec > > & | mauGroups () const |
const std::vector< bitvec > & | mauGroups (PHV::Size sz) const |
unsigned | numContainersInGroup () const |
unsigned | numContainerTypes () const |
unsigned | physicalAddress (const PHV::Container &c, ArchBlockType_t interface) const |
std::optional< PHV::Container > | physicalAddressToContainer (unsigned address, ArchBlockType_t interface) const |
const bitvec & | physicalContainers () const |
bitvec | range (PHV::Type t, unsigned start, unsigned length) const |
bitvec | tagalongCollection (unsigned container_id) const |
const std::vector< bitvec > & | tagalongCollections () const |