The P4 Compiler
No Matches
TableFormat Struct Reference


struct  Use

Public Types

enum  type_t {

Public Member Functions

 TableFormat (const LayoutOption &l, const IXBar::Use *mi, const IXBar::Use *phi, const IR::MAU::Table *t, const bitvec im, bool gl, FindPayloadCandidates &fpc, const PhvInfo &phv)
bool find_format (Use *u)
void verify ()

Static Public Member Functions

static TableFormatcreate (const LayoutOption &l, const IXBar::Use *mi, const IXBar::Use *phi, const IR::MAU::Table *t, const bitvec im, bool gl, FindPayloadCandidates &fpc, const PhvInfo &phv)

Static Public Attributes

static constexpr int FULL_IMEM_ADDRESS_BITS = 6
static constexpr int FULL_NEXT_TABLE_BITS = 8
static constexpr int GATEWAY_BYTES = 4
static constexpr int IMEM_MAP_TABLE_ENTRIES = 8
static constexpr int MAX_GROUPS_PER_LAMB = 4
static constexpr int MAX_GROUPS_PER_RAM = 5
static constexpr int MAX_SHARED_GROUPS = 2
static constexpr int MID_BYTE_HI = 1
static constexpr int MID_BYTE_LO = 0
static constexpr int MID_BYTE_VERS = 3
static constexpr int NEXT_MAP_TABLE_ENTRIES = 8
static constexpr int OVERHEAD_BITS = 64
static constexpr int RAM_GHOST_BITS = IXBar::RAM_LINE_SELECT_BITS
static constexpr int SELECTOR_LENGTH_MAX_BIT = 16
static constexpr int SINGLE_RAM_BITS = 128
static constexpr int SINGLE_RAM_BYTES = 16
static constexpr int VERSION_BITS = 4
static constexpr int VERSION_BYTES = 14
static constexpr int VERSION_NIBBLES = 4

Protected Member Functions

virtual void allocate_full_fits (int width_sect, int group=-1)
virtual bool allocate_overhead (bool alloc_match=false)
virtual bool analyze_layout_option ()
int bits_necessary (type_t type) const
virtual void choose_ghost_bits (safe_vector< std::pair< IXBar::Use::Byte, bitvec > > &potential_ghost)
void fill_out_use (int group, const safe_vector< ByteInfo > &alloced, bitvec &version_loc)
virtual void get_potential_ghost_byte (const IXBar::Use::Byte byte, const std::map< cstring, bitvec > &hash_masks, safe_vector< std::pair< IXBar::Use::Byte, bitvec > > &potential_ghost)
bool initialize_byte (int byte_offset, int width_sect, const ByteInfo &info, safe_vector< ByteInfo > &alloced, bitvec &byte_attempt, bitvec &bit_attempted)

Protected Attributes

safe_vector< int > full_match_groups_per_RAM
int ghost_bits_count = 0
safe_vector< ByteInfoghost_bytes
bitvec interleaved_match_byte_use
const LayoutOptionlayout_option
bitvec match_byte_use
safe_vector< ByteInfomatch_bytes
const IXBar::Usematch_ixbar
safe_vector< int > overhead_groups_per_RAM
 Which RAM sections contain the match groups.
safe_vector< int > search_bus_per_width
 Specifically which search bus coordinates to which RAM.
safe_vector< int > shared_groups_per_RAM
safe_vector< IXBar::Use::Bytesingle_match
const IR::MAU::Table * tbl
bitvec total_use
Useuse = nullptr

Member Function Documentation

◆ allocate_full_fits()

void TableFormat::allocate_full_fits ( int width_sect,
int group = -1 )

Given a number of overhead entries, this algorithm determines how many match groups can fully fit into that particular RAM. It both allocates match and version, as both of those have to be placed in order for the entry to fit.

For wide matches, this ensures that the entirety of the search bus is placed, but not necessarily version, as version can be placed in any of the wide match sections.

◆ allocate_overhead()

bool TableFormat::allocate_overhead ( bool alloc_match = false)

Allocate all overhead data that could head to match central. This includes the following information, if needed:

  1. Next table, if the table has multiple next table choices and cannot be specified by the action alone
  2. Instruction selection, the bits to indicate which action is to be run.
  3. Indirect Pointers: addresses for indirect tables, such as counters, meters, action, etc. These needs are specified by the program
  4. Immediate: Action data that is stored with the match rather than in a separate action data table.

The current algorithm just packs as close to the bottom as it can, and does not leave any holes to put match data in. This could be optimized to pack match data.

◆ analyze_layout_option()

bool TableFormat::analyze_layout_option ( )

The goal of this code is to determine how to initial divide up the match data and the overhead, and which RAM correspond to which input xbar group.

If you look at section 6.2.3 Exact Match Row Vertical/Horizontal (VH) Xbars, one can the inputs to an individual RAM line. There are two search buses per line, which themselves are 128 bits wide, the same as an individual RAM row. Each search bus can select from one of 8 crossbar groups that come from the input crossbar. Thus, the number of input xbars groups needed is the number of search buses needed. (This is not entirely true, as in ATCAM a single xbar bytes is actually in multiple places on the RAM. This information is tracked through the search_bus field in each IXBar::Byte)

Thus the algorithm is divided into two types, skinny and wide. Skinny means that only one search bus is required, while wide means multiple search buses are required.

The analyze option assigns both a number of overhead entries per RAM as well as a search bus assigned to each width. Thus only bytes with that search_bus value can be found at that particular location.

◆ choose_ghost_bits()

void TableFormat::choose_ghost_bits ( safe_vector< std::pair< IXBar::Use::Byte, bitvec > > & potential_ghost)

Ghost bits are bits that are used in the hash to find the location of the entry, but are not contained within the match. It is an optimization to save space on match bits.

The number of bits one can ghost is the minimum number of bits used to select a RAM row and a RAM on the hash bus. One automatically gets 10 bits, for the 10 bits of hash that determines the RAM row. Extra bits can be ghosted by the log2size of the minimum way.

This algorithm chooses which bits to ghost. If the match requires multiple search buses then the search bus which is going to have the overhead is preferred. Match requirements that don't require the full byte are preferred over bytes that require the full 8 bits. That way, the algorithm can eliminate more match bytes.

For examples, say the match has the following, which were all in separate PHV containers: 3 3 bit fields 1 1 bit field 4 8 bit fields

It would be optimal to ghost off the 3 3 bit fields, and the 1 bit fields, as it would remove 4 total PHV bytes to match on.

      Ghost bits selection now considers the mask specified with the @hash_mask
      annotation: bits that are masked off through the annotation are not selected
      to be part of ghost bits.

◆ fill_out_use()

void TableFormat::fill_out_use ( int group,
const safe_vector< ByteInfo > & alloced,
bitvec & version_loc )

This fills out the use object, as well as the global structures for keeping track of the format. This does this for both match and version information.

◆ find_format()

bool TableFormat::find_format ( Use * u)

The algorithm find_format is to determine how to best pack the RAMs of match tables. * For any table using SRAMs only (i.e. exact match/atcam), this means determining how the RAM line is filled. For tables using the TCAMs, (i.e. ternary), this is specifically for the ternary indirect packing.

The RAM is packed with two classes of information, match data and overhead. Match data is anything that is to be directly compared with packet data. Overhead is everything else. Overhead consists of anything that could go to match central as well as version bits.

When an entry hits within a table, the lower 64 bits of the RAM (or in the case of a wide match, one of the RAMs), are sent to match central for further processing. Thus any information that is needed by match central for later processing is considered overhead, and must fit within the lower 64 bits.

The exception to the previous paragraph is what we call version bits. These are bits that are matched not as part of the packet, but as a way to ensure that an entry is valid, and that all data is atomically written into the RAM. Version bits are then appended on before the match, and thus can be anywhere within the RAM line.

Data from the packet comes in through the input xbar. The algorithm is as follows.

  1. Analyze the estimate and calculate initial set up information based on the input xbar allocation and the estimate.
  2. Allocate all overhead that is not version bits
  3. Allocate all match and version bits.
  4. Verify that the algorithm works.

The constraints for these individual pieces will be described above the function which are part of the algorithm.

FIXME: Noted weaknesses in the algorithm to address in the future:

  1. Ghost bits could be worked in with overhead, so that holes in overhead could be filled with match data. Glass currently does not do this, so no support necessary yet.

◆ get_potential_ghost_byte()

void TableFormat::get_potential_ghost_byte ( const IXBar::Use::Byte byte,
const std::map< cstring, bitvec > & hash_masks,
safe_vector< std::pair< IXBar::Use::Byte, bitvec > > & potential_ghost )

Adds the specified byte along with its mask to vector potential_ghost.

The mask originates from the @hash_mask() annotation specified with the match key in the P4 code. Bits that are masked off by @hash_mask() are excluded from the list of ghost bits candidates.

When @hash_mask() is not specified, the mask is set to byte.bit_use, allowing all bits to be candidates for ghost bits selection.

◆ initialize_byte()

bool TableFormat::initialize_byte ( int byte_offset,
int width_sect,
const ByteInfo & info,
safe_vector< ByteInfo > & alloced,
bitvec & byte_attempt,
bitvec & bit_attempt )

Save information on a byte by byte basis so that fill out use can correctly be used. Note that each individual byte from PHV requires an individual byte in the match format, and cannot be reused by a separate entry.

Member Data Documentation

◆ overhead_groups_per_RAM

safe_vector<int> TableFormat::overhead_groups_per_RAM

Which RAM sections contain the match groups.

Which RAM sections contain overhead info