The P4 Compiler
No Matches
DependencyGraph Struct Reference


struct  StageInfo

Public Types

enum  dependencies_t {
  NONE = 1 , CONTROL_ACTION = (1 << 1) , CONTROL_COND_TRUE = (1 << 2) , CONTROL_COND_FALSE = (1 << 3) ,
  CONTROL_TABLE_HIT = (1 << 4) , CONTROL_TABLE_MISS = (1 << 5) , CONTROL_DEFAULT_NEXT_TABLE = (1 << 6) , CONTROL_EXIT = (1 << 19) ,
  IXBAR_READ = (1 << 7) , ACTION_READ = (1 << 8) , OUTPUT = (1 << 9) , REDUCTION_OR_READ = (1 << 10) ,
  REDUCTION_OR_OUTPUT = (1 << 11) , CONT_CONFLICT = (1 << 12) , ANTI_EXIT = (1 << 13) , ANTI_TABLE_READ = (1 << 14) ,
  ANTI_ACTION_READ = (1 << 15) , ANTI_NEXT_TABLE_DATA = (1 << 16) , ANTI_NEXT_TABLE_CONTROL = (1 << 17) , ANTI_NEXT_TABLE_METADATA = (1 << 18) ,
typedef boost::adjacency_list< boost::vecS, boost::vecS, boost::bidirectionalS, boost::property< boost::vertex_table_t, const IR::MAU::Table * >, dependencies_t > Graph
enum  mau_dependencies_t { MAU_DEP_MATCH = 2 , MAU_DEP_ACTION = 1 , MAU_DEP_CONCURRENT = 0 }
using MinEdgeInfo = std::pair<const IR::MAU::Table *, dependencies_t>

Public Member Functions

std::pair< typename Graph::edge_descriptor *, bool > add_edge (const IR::MAU::Table *src, const IR::MAU::Table *dst, dependencies_t edge_label)
Graph::vertex_descriptor add_vertex (const IR::MAU::Table *label)
void clear ()
bool container_conflict (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
TableGraphNode create_node (const int id, const IR::MAU::Table *tbl) const
int critical_path_length () const
int dependence_tail_size (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
int dependence_tail_size_control (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
int dependence_tail_size_control_anti (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
int dependence_tail_size_control_anti_split (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
void fill_dep_stages_from_topo (const std::vector< ordered_set< DependencyGraph::Graph::vertex_descriptor > > &topo, bool include_stages, const TableSummary *summary)
DependencyGraph::mau_dependencies_t find_mau_dependency (const IR::MAU::Table *from, const IR::MAU::Table *to)
std::optional< std::string > get_ctrl_dependency_info (typename Graph::edge_descriptor edge) const
std::optional< ordered_map< std::pair< const PHV::Field *, DependencyGraph::dependencies_t >, std::pair< ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * >, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > > > > get_data_dependency_info (const IR::MAU::Table *upstream, const IR::MAU::Table *downstream) const
std::optional< ordered_map< const PHV::Field *, std::pair< ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * >, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > > > > get_data_dependency_info (typename Graph::edge_descriptor edge) const
DependencyGraph::dependencies_t get_dependency (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
const IR::MAU::Table * get_vertex (typename Graph::vertex_descriptor v) const
bool happens_before_control (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
const std::vector< const IR::MAU::Table * > & happens_before_dependences (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
bool happens_logi_after (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
bool happens_logi_before (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
bool happens_phys_after (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
bool happens_phys_before (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
bool happens_phys_before_recursive (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const
bool happens_phys_before_recursive (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::TableSeq *s) const
bool has_back_edge (const IR::MAU::Table *src, const IR::MAU::Table *dst)
bool has_cycle ()
bool is_anti_edge (DependencyGraph::dependencies_t dep) const
bool is_ctrl_edge (DependencyGraph::dependencies_t dep) const
bool is_edge_critical (typename Graph::edge_descriptor e) const
bool is_non_directional_edge (DependencyGraph::dependencies_t dep) const
int max_stage (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
int min_stage (const IR::MAU::Table *t) const
void print_container_access (std::ostream &out) const
void print_dep_type_map (std::ostream &out) const
void to_json (Util::JsonObject *dgJson, const FlowGraph &fg, cstring passContext, bool placed)
bool unavoidable_container_conflict (const IR::MAU::Table *t1, const IR::MAU::Table *t2) const

Static Public Member Functions

static cstring dep_to_name (dependencies_t dep)
static void dump_viz (std::ostream &out, const DependencyGraph &dg)
static dependencies_t get_control_edge_type (cstring annot)

Public Attributes

ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > container_conflicts
std::map< const IR::MAU::Table *, std::map< const PHV::Container, bool > > containers_read_alu_
std::map< const IR::MAU::Table *, std::map< const PHV::Container, bool > > containers_read_xbar_
std::map< const IR::MAU::Table *, std::map< const PHV::Container, bool > > containers_write_ = {}
ordered_map< typename Graph::edge_descriptor, std::string > ctrl_annotations
ordered_map< typename Graph::edge_descriptor, ordered_map< const PHV::Field *, std::pair< ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * >, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > > > > data_annotations
ordered_map< typename Graph::edge_descriptor, const PHV::Containerdata_annotations_conflicts
ordered_map< typename Graph::edge_descriptor, const std::vector< const IR::MAU::Action * > > data_annotations_exit
ordered_map< typename Graph::edge_descriptor, const PHV::FieldSlice * > data_annotations_metadata
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, dependencies_t > > dep_type_map
ordered_map< std::pair< const IR::MAU::Table *, const IR::MAU::Table * >, DependencyGraph::dependencies_t > dependency_map
bool display_min_edges = false
bool finalized
Graph g
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, std::vector< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_after_work_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_before_control_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, std::vector< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_before_work_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_logi_after_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_logi_before_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_phys_after_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > happens_phys_before_map
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, typename Graph::vertex_descriptor > labelToVertex
int max_min_stage = -1
int max_min_stage_per_gress [3] = {-1, -1, -1}
assoc::hash_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, safe_vector< MinEdgeInfo > > min_stage_edges
ordered_map< cstring, const IR::MAU::Table * > name_to_table
cstring passContext
bool placed = false
ReductionOrInfo red_info
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, StageInfostage_info
std::map< std::pair< const IR::MAU::Table *, const IR::MAU::Table * >, DependencyGraph::mau_dependencies_t > table_dep_ = {}
ordered_map< const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Table * > > unavoidable_container_conflicts
std::vector< ordered_set< DependencyGraph::Graph::vertex_descriptor > > vertex_rst

Static Public Attributes

static const unsigned ANTI
static const unsigned CONTROL
static const unsigned CONTROL_AND_ANTI = CONTROL | ANTI


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DependencyGraph &dg)

Class Documentation

◆ DependencyGraph::StageInfo

struct DependencyGraph::StageInfo
Class Members
int dep_stages
int dep_stages_control
int dep_stages_control_anti
int dep_stages_control_anti_split
int dep_stages_dom_frontier
int max_stage
int min_stage

Member Function Documentation

◆ critical_path_length()

int DependencyGraph::critical_path_length ( ) const
the length of the dependency based critical path for the program.

◆ fill_dep_stages_from_topo()

void DependencyGraph::fill_dep_stages_from_topo ( const std::vector< ordered_set< DependencyGraph::Graph::vertex_descriptor > > & topo,
bool include_stages,
const TableSummary * summary )

Fill up the stage_info map value regarding dep_stages_control_anti or dep_stages_control_anti_split based on include_stages argument.

◆ find_mau_dependency()

DependencyGraph::mau_dependencies_t DependencyGraph::find_mau_dependency ( const IR::MAU::Table * from,
const IR::MAU::Table * to )

Returns the MAU stage dependency that exists from table 'from' to table 'to'. Note that this function does not know the control flow; it only checks the PHV containers written and read by the two tables. If the two tables are not on the same control flow, it is the caller's responsiblity to know they are concurrent. This function cannot be called until PHV allocation has completed. If it is, the maps accessed will not have been populated.

◆ get_dependency()

DependencyGraph::dependencies_t DependencyGraph::get_dependency ( const IR::MAU::Table * t1,
const IR::MAU::Table * t2 ) const

Returns the dependency type from t1 to t2.

◆ is_anti_edge()

bool DependencyGraph::is_anti_edge ( DependencyGraph::dependencies_t dep) const
boolean indicating if an edge is a type of anti edge

◆ is_ctrl_edge()

bool DependencyGraph::is_ctrl_edge ( DependencyGraph::dependencies_t dep) const
boolean indicating if an edge is a type of control edge

◆ is_edge_critical()

bool DependencyGraph::is_edge_critical ( typename Graph::edge_descriptor e) const
boolean indicating if an edge is critical, i.e. appears in the min_stage_edges

◆ is_non_directional_edge()

bool DependencyGraph::is_non_directional_edge ( DependencyGraph::dependencies_t dep) const
boolean indicating if an edge is non-directional (tables can't share the same stage, but could be placed in any order)

Member Data Documentation


const unsigned DependencyGraph::ANTI
Initial value:

◆ container_conflicts

ordered_map<const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set<const IR::MAU::Table *> > DependencyGraph::container_conflicts

A map of all tables that cannot be placed in the same stage as the key table, because they share an ALU operation over a container. The following example will indicate why this is a problem:

action a1(bit<4> x1) { hdr.data.x1 = x1; } action a2(bit<4> x2) { hdr.data.x2 = x2; }

table t1 { key = { hdr.data.f1; } actions = { a1; } default_action = a1(1); } table t2 { key = { hdr.data.f1; } actions = { a2; } default_action = a2(1); }

apply { t1.apply(); t2.apply(); }

Now let's say that hdr.data.x1 and hdr.data.x2 are in the same 8 bit PHV container, i.e. B0. In the instruction memory, a1 and a2 will have its own VLIW instruction, which itself contains an opcode for every single PHV ALU. All actions in the ALUs run in parallel, and the individual operations to each ALU are brought in as a portion of one stage VLIW instruction.

This stage VLIW instruction is formed by ORing together all actions (each of which is its own VLIW instruction) that are intended to be run in the stage. Thus if a1 and a2 were to be run in the same stage, their operations over container B0 would be ORed together. In general ORing these opcodes will lose the meaning of the original operation.

Note that the constraint does not apply if the actions themselves are mutually exclusive, i.e. if the apply statement looked like the following:

apply { if (hdr.data.f1 == 1) { t1.apply() } else { t2.apply() } }

then it would be impossible for a1 and a2 to ever be called in the same packet, and thus the opcode for B0 would never be mucked up by the OR.

However, this is not to be considered an action dependency. If t2 were action dependent on t1, then t1 would have to happen before t2. This is not the case for this program as t2 does not affect any of the values that t1 is working on. Instead it just affects the containers

◆ containers_read_alu_

std::map<const IR::MAU::Table *, std::map<const PHV::Container, bool> > DependencyGraph::containers_read_alu_
Initial value:

◆ containers_read_xbar_

std::map<const IR::MAU::Table *, std::map<const PHV::Container, bool> > DependencyGraph::containers_read_xbar_
Initial value:


const unsigned DependencyGraph::CONTROL
Initial value:

◆ max_min_stage_per_gress

int DependencyGraph::max_min_stage_per_gress[3] = {-1, -1, -1}

The largest value of min_stage encountered when determining min_stage values for table, across all tables in the program. The minimum number of stages required by the program is 1 + max_min_stage (stage numbers start from 0, 1, ..., n-1)

◆ unavoidable_container_conflicts

ordered_map<const IR::MAU::Table *, ordered_set<const IR::MAU::Table *> > DependencyGraph::unavoidable_container_conflicts

Unavoid container conflicts due to parde constraints. This will be a subset of the above container_conflicts.