The P4 Compiler
No Matches
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123456]
 NBFNThe namespace encapsulating Barefoot/Intel-specific stuff
 NP4TODO: this is not really specific to BMV2, it should reside somewhere else
 NPHVThe namespace encapsulating PHV-related stuff
 NstdSTL namespace
 CAbstractDependencyInjectorCommon functionality for injecting dependencies into a DependencyGraph
 CAddDeparserMetadataAdd deparser parameters for standard metadata
 CAddMauHeadersToHeaderMutexMatrixAdd the headers added in MAU (not parsed) found by FindPovAndParserErrorInMau into the header mutual exclusivity matrix
 CAddMetadataPOVCreate POV bits for output metadata (JBAY)
 CAddParserHeadersToHeaderMutexMatrixCollect every header encountered in the parser and insert them into HeaderInfo. Addtionally, produce header level SymBitMatrix, where keys are header index (position of header in HeaderInfo.all_headers) and values are whether or not two headers are mutually exclusive
 CAddParserMetadataExtend parsers to extract standard metadata
 CAdjustExtractAdjusts extractions that extract from fields that are serialized from phv container, i.e. marshaled, because there might be some junk bits before and after the field
 CAllocAlignmentAllocAlignment has two maps used by tryAllocSliceList
 CAllocateParserMatchRegistersThis pass performs the parser match register allocation
 CApplyGlobalPragmasCollect and apply PHV-related global pragmas
 CBFNContextA CompileContext for bf-p4c
 Cbpf_tableA helper structure used to describe attributes
 CBridgedPackingThe pass analyzes the usage of bridged headers and adjusts their packing
 CCharacterizeParserPrints various info about parser to the log file
 CCheckParserMultiWriteChecks multiple writes to the same field on non-mutually exclusive paths
 CClusteringBuilds "clusters" of field slices that must be placed in the same group
 CCoalesceLearningReplaces consecutive extracts of the same container with a single extract
 CCollectPhvInfoCreate and store a PHV::Field for each header and metadata field, and for TempVars. Allocate POV fields for header and metadata instances
 CCollectSourceInfoLoggingPass that collects source information
 CCollectStridedHeadersCollects header stacks that require strided allocation (in a parser loop)
 CComputeDefUseCompute defuse info within P4Parser and P4Control blocks in the midend
 CConstantLogicValueThis inspector runs the expression analysis to search for the predicate that cannot happen. For example:
 CConstrainedFieldClass representing PHV::Field with constraints and handle for constraint logging. Contains non-group constraints and a list of slices
 CConstrainedFieldMapBuilderInitialize map of constrained fields by information present in PhvInfo and their slices based on slicing computed by SuperClusters
 CConstrainedSliceClass representing FieldSlice with constraints, which has handle for constraint logging. Contains non-group constraints
 CConstraintSolverThe class uses the Z3 solver to generate packing for a set of PHV fields given a set of constraints
 CCopyBlockPragmasPass that copies block annotations to the block's tables
 CCreateSaluInstructionThe pass creates SALU VLIW instructions
 CDeparserCopyOptTop level PassManager
 CDoRemoveActionTablesDo the actual moves after the analysis has completed
 CDumpParserDumps the entire parser graphs (can be used before and also after parser lowering)
 CExcludeMAUNotMutexHeadersWalk through MAU in control flow order and find header level mutually exclusivity in the parser that could be invalidated during an action by keeping a record of all headers potentially active at any given point using active_headers. If a read/write to $valid or $stkvalid occurs, active_headers is updated conservatively
 CFieldExtractInfoSummarizes parser extracts for all fields
 CFieldLevelOptimisationUsing transitive closure of table flow graph, determine which PHV fields are referenced after a given table. This can be used to optimise ExcludeMAUNotMutexHeaders, as if a header mutex is invalidated at a specific location
 CFieldSliceExtractInfoHolds information relating to a field slice's extract
 CFieldSliceSetImplements comparisons correctly
 CFindConstEntryTablesFind all tables which have a $valid or $stkvalid table key. If that table has const entries, determine which headers are active during each of the table's actions and store this information in HeaderInfo
 CFindFlowGraphComputes a table control-flow graph for the IR
 CFindFlowGraphsComputes a table control-flow graph for each gress in the IR
 CFindParserHeaderEncounterInfoBased on dominators and post-dominators of parser states, determines which other headers have also surely been encountered if a given header has been encountered and which other headers have not been encountered if a given header has not been encountered
 CFindPovAndParserErrorInMauFind if any header $valid bits are read/written to and if parser errors are handled in MAU. Additionally, if a field is found that belongs to a header not encountered in the parser, insert that header into HeaderInfo
 CGroupConstraintExtractorBlueprint for group constraint extractor classes
 Chash_symmetric_info_Contains Symmetric hashing info for a hash input
 CHashMaskAnnotationsHelper class to handle the @hash_mask() annotation
 CHeaderInfoData structure containing information about which headers are present in the parser and MAU, as well as additional properties for each header and mutual exclusivity information. The passes in HeaderMutex fill this data structure in a specific order, thus the order of these passes matter (e.g. FindConstEntryTable needs to run after passes which fill all_headers, mau_headers, and parser_headers)
 CHeaderMutexAfter identifying which headers in the P4 program are mutually exclusive in the parser, remove field mutexes between all fields of two headers if that mutual exclusivity is invalidated later during MAU control flow
 CHeaderNameMauInspectorMauInspector that can get the header name of the PHV field being visited in the member
 CHeaderValidityAnalysisIdentify headers marked as valid/invalid in MAU pipeline and find correlations between removal of headers of interest
 CIXBarRandomCompiler generated random number function for use as hash seed on the input crossbar
 CLoggableEntityClass with handle for logging constraints
 CMapFieldToParserStatesMap field to the parser states in which they are extracted or assigned from checksums
 CMergeParserStatesMerges a chain of states into a large state (before parser lowering). Find the longest chain that: Forall states expect for the last tail state:
 CNormalizeHashListNormalize field lists in hashing expression (Hash.get primitive)
 CP4ParserGraphsExtends p4c's parser graph with various algorithms
 CParserDominatorBuilderBuilds parser graphs and determines the dominators and post-dominators of all parser states. Using this information, you can infer many things. For example:
 CParserHeaderSequencesIdentify parsed header sequences
 CParserQueryCollection of functions to check parser information
 CPHV_Field_OperationsAnnotate each Field in PhvInfo with the instructions it's involved in
 CPragmaDoNotUseClotDo_not_use_clot pragma support
 CPragmaNoInitAdds the no_init pragma to the specified fields with the specified gress
 CPropagateExtractConstRun ResolveExtractConst pass until every IR::BFN::ConstantRVal which can be propagated is propagated as far as it can
 Cpsa_ingress_parser_input_metadata_tINGRESS data types
 CReferenceMapClass used to encode maps from paths to declarations
 CReinstateAliasSourcesReplace AliasMember and AliasSlice nodes with their alias sources
 CRemoveHeaderMutexesIfAllFieldsNotMutexMany PHV field mutexes have already been removed due to other constraints prior to this pass. Therefore, though in theory two headers might be mutually exclusive, in practice they no longer are as all of their respectives fields are not mutually exclusive with each other. If none of the fields between two headers have a field mutex, clear the header level mutex from the header mutual exclusivity matrix
 CRenameArchParamsPass that governs replacement of the user-supplied parameter names with the corresponding parameter names defined in the architecture
 CRenameParamRenames a parameter and all uses of that parameter
 CResetInvalidatedChecksumHeadersTop level PassManager
 CResolveNegativeExtractFor extracts with negative source, i.e. source is in an earlier state, adjust the state's shift amount, and possibly move extracts, so that the source is within current state's input buffer
 CRewriteParserMatchDefsLooks for extracts into temporary local variables used in select statements
 CSaluOredIfThis class detects a following pattern:
 CScoreContextScoreContext can compute a alloc score for an PHV::Transaction
 Csk_buffSimple descriptor which replaces the kernel sk_buff structure
 CSplitPaddingSplits padding after PHV allocation to prevent extracted padding spanning multiple containers
 CSplitParserStateSplits parser states into multiple states to account for HW resource constraints of a single parser state
 CStackPushShimsAdds parser states to initialize the $stkvalid fields that are used to handle the push_front and pop_front primitives for header stacks
 CSubstitutePackedHeadersThe pass substitutes bridged headers with adjusted ones and converts the IR into the backend form
 CSuperClusterBuilderA helpfull class for building SuperClusters