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The P4 Compiler
NActionData | |
▼Nassoc | |
Ndetail | Implementation details of for the namespace assoc |
NBFN | The namespace encapsulating Barefoot/Intel-specific stuff |
Nboost | |
NConstraints | |
NIR | The namespace encapsulating IR node classes |
NLogging | |
NMauPower | |
NMeterALU | |
▼NP4 | TODO: this is not really specific to BMV2, it should reside somewhere else |
NBMV2 | TODO: this is not really specific to BMV2, it should reside somewhere else |
▼NControlPlaneAPI | TODO(antonin): High level goals of the generator go here!! |
NHelpers | |
NStandard | Declarations specific to standard architectures (v1model & PSA) |
NCoverage | |
Ngraphs | |
Nliterals | |
NNetHash | A collection of hashing functions commonly used in network protocols |
▼NP4Tools | |
NControlPlaneState | |
▼NP4Testgen | |
NBmv2 | Inja |
NPna | Inja |
NTraceEvents | This file defines explicit types of trace events extended from the generic trace class |
NP4V1 | |
NTC | This file defines functions for the pass to generate the introspection file |
NTest | |
▼NParde | |
NLowered | |
NPHV | The namespace encapsulating PHV-related stuff |
NPragma | |
Nsolver | |
NStageFlag | |
Nstd | STL namespace |
NTest | The namespace encapsulating test-related stuff |
NTofino |