Here is a list of all documented functions with links to the class documentation for each member:
- n -
- name() : BFN::Pragma
- need_further_split() : PHV::Slicing::DfsItrContext
- need_strided_allocation() : BFN::ParserLoopsInfo
- need_to_emit() : MauPower::MprSettings
- needsStridedAlloc() : PHV::SuperCluster
- needToMergeForWideArith() : PHV::SuperCluster
- new_node() : SccTopoSorter
- newName() : P4::MinimalNameGenerator, P4::ReferenceMap, ReferenceMap
- next() : P4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::Continuation::Body, P4::P4Tools::ReachabilityEngine, P4::SimpleInlineList< Callable, CallInfo, InlineWorkList >, P4::Util::Enumerator< T >
- next_table() : MauAsmOutput::EmitAction
- nextByte() : P4::ClosedRange< Unit, Order >, P4::HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order >
- nextOrDefault() : P4::Util::Enumerator< T >
- nextRandomNumber() : IXBarRandom
- no_overhead_atcam_result_bus_words() : TableFormat::Use
- no_overlap_merge() : ActionData::RamSection
- no_pack() : Clustering
- nodesBetween() : DeparseGraph
- noParameters() : P4::FindSpecializations
- nOpportunities() : FieldPackingOpportunity
- nOpportunitiesAfter() : FieldPackingOpportunity
- notOverlapping() : MetadataLiveRange
- num_constraints() : PHV::AlignedCluster, PHV::ClusterStats, PHV::RotationalCluster, PHV::SuperCluster
- num_pack_conflicts() : PHV::SuperCluster
- numClotsPerGress() : JBayPardeSpec, PardeSpec, TofinoPardeSpec
- numContainersInGroup() : PhvSpec
- numContainerTypes() : PhvSpec
- numParsers() : JBayPardeSpec, PardeSpec, TofinoPardeSpec
- numStages() : MauBacktracker
- numTcamRows() : JBayPardeSpec, PardeSpec, TofinoPardeSpec