The P4 Compiler
No Matches
Class Hierarchy

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This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 123456789]
 Cbpf_tableA helper structure used to describe attributes
 CP4::BFRT::BFRuntimeGenerator::CounterCommon counter representation between PSA and other architectures
 CP4::BFRT::BFRuntimeGenerator::DigestCommon digest representation between PSA and other architectures
 CP4::BFRT::BFRuntimeGenerator::MeterCommon meter representation between PSA and other architectures
 CP4::BFRT::BFRuntimeGenerator::RegisterCommon register representation between PSA and other architectures
 CP4::BMV2::BackendBackend is a the base class for SimpleSwitchBackend and PortableSwitchBackend
 CP4::BMV2::CFG::EdgeA CFG Edge; can be an in-edge or out-edge
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Kind >
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::PSA > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for CounterExtern for PSA
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for CounterExtern for v1model
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL2020 > >
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::PSA > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for MeterExtern for PSA
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for MeterExtern for v1model
 CP4::BMV2::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL2020 > >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< arch >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< Arch::PSA >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< Arch::V1MODEL >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::ActionSelectorTraits< arch >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::CounterExtern< arch >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::MeterExtern< arch >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::RegisterTraits< arch >Traits for the register extern, must be specialized for v1model and PSA
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::RegisterTraits< Arch::PSA >
 CP4::BMV2::Standard::RegisterTraits< Arch::V1MODEL >
 CP4::CallGraph< T >
 CP4::CallGraph< T >::Loop
 CP4::CallGraph< T >::Loops
 CP4::CallGraph< T >::sccInfo
 CP4::CallGraph< P4::cstring >
 CP4::ClosedRange< Unit, Order >
 CP4::ControlFlowVisitor::GuardGlobalRAII class to ensure global key is only used in one place
 CP4::ControlFlowVisitor::SaveGlobalRAII class to save and restore one or more global keys
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::ControllerTypeSee section "User-defined types" in P4RT specification
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::DefaultActionThe information about a default action which is needed to serialize it
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::FieldIdAllocator< T >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::FlattenHeaderFlattens a header type "locally", without modifying the IR
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::Counterlike< Kind >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Kind >A traits class describing the properties of "counterlike" things
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::PNA > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for CounterExtern for PNA
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::PSA > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for CounterExtern for PSA
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for CounterExtern for v1model
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::CounterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL2020 > >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::PNA > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for MeterExtern for PNA
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::PSA > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for MeterExtern for PSA
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL > >CounterlikeTraits<> specialization for MeterExtern for v1model
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Helpers::CounterlikeTraits< Standard::MeterExtern< Standard::Arch::V1MODEL2020 > >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::MatchFieldThe information about a match field which is needed to serialize it
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< arch >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< Arch::PNA >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< Arch::PSA >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< Arch::V1MODEL >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::ActionProfileTraits< Arch::V1MODEL2020 >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::ActionSelectorTraits< arch >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::CounterExtern< arch >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::MeterExtern< arch >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::RegisterTraits< arch >Traits for the register extern, must be specialized for v1model and PSA
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::RegisterTraits< Arch::PNA >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::RegisterTraits< Arch::PSA >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::RegisterTraits< Arch::V1MODEL >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::Standard::RegisterTraits< Arch::V1MODEL2020 >
 CP4::ControlPlaneAPI::TranslationAnnotationPayload of @p4runtime_translation annotation
 CP4::Coverage::CoverageOptionsSpecifies general options and which IR nodes to track with this particular visitor
 CP4::Coverage::SourceIdCmpUtility function to compare IR nodes in a set. We use their source info
 CP4::detail::DbprintDispatchPtr< T >
 CP4::detail::DbprintDispatchRef< T >
 CP4::DoSingleArgumentSelect::PairA pair of expression representing an expression and a mask
 CP4::DPDK::SelectionTableSelection table attributes
 CP4::DPDK::TopLevelCtxtProgram level information for context json
 CP4::DpdkProgramStructureCollect information related to P4 programs targeting dpdk
 CP4::flat_map< K, V, Compare, Container >
 CP4::flat_map< K, V, Compare, Container >::value_compare
 CP4::flat_map< P4::cstring, const P4::StorageLocation *, std::less<>, absl::InlinedVector< std::pair< P4::cstring, const P4::StorageLocation * >, 4 > >
 CP4::FunctionSpecializationDescribes how a generic function is specialized
 CP4::HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order >
 CP4::InlineSummary::PerCallerVarious substitutions that must be applied for each instance
 CP4::IR::StateVariableEqualEquals for StateVariable pointers. We only compare the label
 CP4::IR::StateVariableLessLess for StateVariable pointers. We only compare the label
 CP4::IR::SymbolicVariableEqualEquals for SymbolicVariable pointers. We only compare the label
 CP4::IR::SymbolicVariableLessLess for SymbolicVariable pointers. We only compare the label
 CP4::IterKeys< PairIter >
 CP4::IterValues< PairIter >
 CP4::MapForKey< M >
 CP4::NetHash::IdentityA class with the same signature as reflect, but just returning the data
 CP4::ordered_map< K, V, COMP, ALLOC >
 CP4::ordered_map< K, V, COMP, ALLOC >::value_compare
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::ConstructorCallExpression *, P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Declaration_Instance *, P4::CallInfo * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Declaration_Variable *, const P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::ITypeVar *, const IR::Type * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::MethodCallExpression *, P4::FunctionSpecialization * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Node *, const IR::CompileTimeValue * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::P4Action *, const IR::P4Action * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::P4Action *, const IR::P4Control * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::P4Action *, unsigned >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::P4Control *, P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::P4Parser *, P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Parameter *, unsigned >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Type *, const IR::Type_Struct * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Type *, P4::StructTypeReplacement< IR::Type_Struct > * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Type_Enum *, P4::EnumRepresentation * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const IR::Type_Specialized *, P4::TypeSpecialization * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const P4::IR::IDeclaration *, unsigned int >
 CP4::ordered_map< const P4::IR::Node *, block_t >
 CP4::ordered_map< const P4::IR::Node *, const IR::P4Action * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const P4::IR::Node *, P4::SpecializationInfo * >
 CP4::ordered_map< const P4::IR::Node *, pna_block_t >
 CP4::ordered_map< const P4::IR::Node *, std::pair< gress_t, block_t > >
 CP4::ordered_map< cstring, const TestObject * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Declaration_Instance * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Declaration_Variable * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Member * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::P4Action * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::P4Control * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::P4Parser * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::P4Table * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::P4ValueSet * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_Declaration * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_Enum * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_Error * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_Header * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_HeaderUnion * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_Struct * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, const IR::Type_StructLike * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, enum InternalTableType >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, int >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, IR::ParameterList * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, P4::ComplexValues::Component * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, P4::ordered_map< uint, std::list< std::pair< std::vector< P4::cstring >, MethodImpl > > > >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, P4::StructTypeReplacement< IR::Type_StructLike > * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, std::pair< P4::cstring, P4::cstring > * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, std::vector< P4::cstring > * >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, std::vector< P4::cstring > >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, std::vector< struct P4::hdrFieldInfo > >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, struct P4::DPDK::fieldInfo >
 CP4::ordered_map< P4::cstring, struct P4::TC::ConvertToBackendIR::ExternBlock * >
 CP4::ordered_map< std::pair< P4::cstring, P4::cstring >, P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< std::string, JsonData * >
 CP4::ordered_map< std::string, unsigned >
 CP4::ordered_map< std::variant< IR::ConcolicVariable, const IR::Expression * >, const IR::Expression * >
 CP4::ordered_map< T, const IR::Type * >
 CP4::ordered_map< T, std::vector< T > * >
 CP4::ordered_map< unsigned, const IR::MethodCallStatement * >
 CP4::ordered_map< unsigned, const IR::SymbolicVariable * >
 CP4::ordered_map< unsigned, P4::cstring >
 CP4::ordered_map< unsigned, unsigned >
 CP4::ordered_set< T, COMP, ALLOC >
 CP4::ordered_set< const IR::FieldList * >
 CP4::ordered_set< const IR::Parameter * >
 CP4::ordered_set< const StorageLocation * >
 CP4::ordered_set< P4::BMV2::CFG::Edge * >
 CP4::ordered_set< P4::BMV2::CFG::Node * >
 CP4::ordered_set< P4::cstring >
 CP4::P4RuntimeSerializerPublic APIs to generate P4Info message. Uses the singleton pattern
 CP4::P4Tools::AbstractExecutionStateRepresents state of execution after having reached a program point
 CP4::P4Tools::AbstractP4cTool< Options, typename >
 CP4::P4Tools::AbstractP4cTool< SmithOptions >
 CP4::P4Tools::AbstractP4cTool< TestgenOptions >
 CP4::P4Tools::ArchSpecSpecifies a canonical representation of the target pipeline as documented in P4 code
 CP4::P4Tools::ArchSpec::ArchMemberAn ArchMember represents a construct in the pipe. It has a name and parameters
 CP4::P4Tools::FormatOptionsDefines common formatting options
 CP4::P4Tools::NamespaceContextRepresents a stack of namespaces
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::ConcolicMethodImplsEncapsulates a set of concolic method implementations
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::Continuation::BodyA continuation body is a list of commands
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::ExprStepper::ExternMethodImpls< StepperType >Encapsulates a set of extern method implementations
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::ExprStepper::ExternMethodImpls< P4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::ExprStepper >
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::FinalStateRepresents the final state after execution
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::Pna::PnaSymbolicVarsVariabless are variables that can be controlled and set by P4Testgen
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::Pna::SharedPnaTableStepper::SharedPnaPropertiesShared PNA table properties
 CP4::P4Tools::P4Testgen::TableStepperImplements small-step operational semantics for tables
 CP4::P4Tools::ReachabilityEngineStateThe main data for reachability engine
 CP4::P4Tools::TableUtils::KeyPropertiesKeyProperties define properties of table keys that are useful for execution
 CP4::P4Tools::TableUtils::TablePropertiesBasic table properties that are set when initializing the TableStepper
 CP4::P4Tools::Target::SpecSpecifies a target device and architecture by their names in lower case
 CP4::P4Tools::Test::P4ToolsTestCaseEncapsulates functionality for running the front- and mid-ends of the compiler in a test
 CP4::P4Tools::UtilsGeneral utility functions that are not present in the compiler framework
 CP4::P4V1::ProgramStructureInformation about the structure of a P4-14 program, used to convert it to a P4-16 program
 CP4::ParserInfoInformation produced for a parser by the symbolic evaluator
 CP4::ParserStateInfoInformation produced for a parser state by the symbolic evaluator
 CP4::ParserStructureInformation about a parser in the input program
 CP4::Pattern::Match< T >
 CP4::RangeIter< T >
 CP4::RTTI::Detail::IsType< Targets >
 CP4::RTTI::Detail::ToType< To, typename >
 CP4::RTTI::detail::TypeIdResolver< T, typename >
 CP4::RTTI::detail::TypeIdResolver< T, std::void_t< decltype(T::static_typeId)> >
 CP4::RTTI::TypeInfo< This, Parents >
 CP4::SaturationElimContains utility functions for eliminating saturating arithmetic
 CP4::SimpleInlineList< Callable, CallInfo, InlineWorkList >
 CP4::SimpleInlineList< IR::Node, FunctionCallInfo, FunctionsInlineWorkList >
 CP4::SimpleInlineList< IR::P4Action, ActionCallInfo, AInlineWorkList >
 CP4::SpecializationInfoDescribes how a parser or control is specialized
 CP4::SpecializationMapMaintains a map from invocation to a SpecializationInfo object
 CP4::StackVariableHashClass with hash function for StackVariable
 CP4::string_map< V >
 CP4::string_map< const P4::IR::IDeclaration * >
 CP4::string_map< IJson * >
 CP4::Util::Detail::FloatHasher< Float >
 CP4::Util::Detail::FloatHasher< double >
 CP4::Util::Detail::FloatHasher< float >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< Int >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< char >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< signed char >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< signed int >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< signed long >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< signed long long >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< signed short >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< unsigned char >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< unsigned int >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< unsigned long >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< unsigned long long >
 CP4::Util::Detail::IntegerHasher< unsigned short >
 CP4::Util::Detail::TupleHasher< index, Types >
 CP4::Util::Detail::TupleHasher< 0, Types... >
 CP4::Util::Enumerator< T >Type-erased Enumerator interface
 CP4::Util::Enumerator< S >
 CP4::Util::Enumerator< std::iterator_traits< Iter >::value_type >
 CP4::Util::EnumeratorHandle< T >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< Key, Enable >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< bool >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< ClosedRange< Unit, Order > >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< cstring >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< IR::ID >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< P4::ProgramPoint >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< std::shared_ptr< T > >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< std::string >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< std::string_view >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< std::tuple< Types... > >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< std::unique_ptr< T > >
 CP4::Util::Hasher< T * >
 CP4::Util::iterator_range< Iter, Sentinel >
 CP4::VisitedKeyThe main class for parsers' states key for visited checking
 CP4::Visitor::ChangeTrackerAssists visitors in traversing the IR
 CP4::Visitor::TrackerAssists visitors in traversing the IR
 Cpsa_ingress_parser_input_metadata_tINGRESS data types
 Csk_buffSimple descriptor which replaces the kernel sk_buff structure
 Cstd::basic_string< Char >STL class
 Cstd::exceptionSTL class
 Cstd::hash< P4::ClosedRange< Unit, Order > >
 Cstd::hash< P4::ComputeDefUse::loc_t >
 Cstd::hash< P4::cstring >
 Cstd::hash< P4::HalfOpenRange< Unit, Order > >
 Cstd::hash< P4::loc_t >
 Cstd::hash< P4::ProgramPoint >
 Cstd::hash< std::pair< T1, T2 > >
 Cstd::hash< std::tuple< Types... > >
 Cstd::ios_baseSTL class
 Cstd::vector< T >STL class