The P4 Compiler
No Matches
P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure Class Reference

Information about the structure of a P4-14 program, used to convert it to a P4-16 program. More...

#include <programStructure.h>

Public Attributes

NamedObjectInfo< const IR::ActionProfile * > action_profiles
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::ActionSelector * > action_selectors
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::ActionFunction * > actions
ordered_set< const IR::FieldList * > allFieldLists
 Field lists that appear in the program.
std::unordered_map< cstring, int > allNames
std::vector< const IR::CalculatedField * > calculated_fields
P4::CallGraph< cstringcalledActions
P4::CallGraph< cstringcalledControls
P4::CallGraph< cstringcalledCounters
P4::CallGraph< cstringcalledExterns
P4::CallGraph< cstringcalledMeters
P4::CallGraph< cstringcalledRegisters
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::V1Control * > controls
ConversionContextconversionContext = nullptr
std::map< cstring, const IR::Declaration_Instance * > counterMap
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Counter * > counters
IR::Vector< IR::Node > * declarations
std::map< cstring, cstringdirectCounters
std::map< cstring, const IR::Meter * > directMeters
 Maps table name to direct meter.
IR::Vector< IR::Type > * emptyTypeArguments = nullptr
std::map< const IR::Type_Extern *, const IR::Type_Extern * > extern_remap
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Type_Extern * > extern_types
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Declaration_Instance * > externs
std::map< cstring, IR::Vector< IR::Expression > > extracts
std::map< const IR::MethodCallExpression *, const IR::Type_Header * > extractsSynthesized
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::FieldListCalculation * > field_list_calculations
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::FieldList * > field_lists
cstring fieldListsEnum
 Name of the serializable enum that holds one id for each field list.
std::map< cstring, const IR::Type * > finalHeaderType
std::map< const IR::Node *, const IR::Declaration_Instance * > globalInstances
std::set< cstringheaderInstances
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Header * > headers
std::set< cstringheaderTypes
std::vector< const IR::Declaration * > localInstances
 extra local instances to control created by primitive translation
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::HeaderOrMetadata * > metadata
std::set< cstringmetadataInstances
std::set< cstringmetadataTypes
std::map< const IR::Meter *, const IR::Declaration_Instance * > meterMap
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Meter * > meters
std::set< cstringparameterTypes
std::map< cstring, const IR::ParserState * > parserEntryPoints
const IR::Parameter * parserHeadersOut = nullptr
const IR::Parameter * parserPacketIn = nullptr
P4::CallGraph< cstringparsers
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::V1Parser * > parserStates
std::map< cstring, cstringregisterLayoutType
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Register * > registers
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::HeaderStack * > stacks
std::map< const IR::V1Table *, const IR::Apply * > tableInvocation
std::map< const IR::V1Table *, const IR::V1Control * > tableMapping
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::V1Table * > tables
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::Type_StructLike * > types
NamedObjectInfo< const IR::ParserValueSet * > value_sets
std::set< cstringvalue_sets_implemented

Protected Member Functions

virtual void checkHeaderType (const IR::Type_StructLike *hrd, bool toStruct)
virtual const IR::Statement * convertPrimitive (const IR::Primitive *primitive)

' annotation for the

Extend the provided set of annotations with an ' given name. This is used to preserve the original, P4-14 object names.

In general, because P4-14 names do not have the hierarchical structure that P4-16 names do, you should use addGlobalNameAnnotation() rather than this method. The exception is type names; these are already global in P4-16, so there isn't much to be gained, and there is currently some code that doesn't handling "." prefixes in type names well.

XXX(seth): For uniformity, we should probably fix the issues with "." in type names and get rid of this method.

annosThe set of annotations to extend. If null, a new set of annotations is created.
the extended set of annotations.
const IR::V1Control * ingress
IR::ID ingressReference
const IR::P4Control * verifyChecksums
const IR::P4Control * updateChecksums
const IR::P4Control * deparser
const IR::Expression * latest
 Represents 'latest' P4-14 construct.
const int defaultRegisterWidth = 32
void include (cstring filename, cstring ppoptions=cstring())
void populateOutputNames ()
const IR::AssignmentStatement * assign (Util::SourceInfo srcInfo, const IR::Expression *left, const IR::Expression *right, const IR::Type *type)
virtual const IR::Expression * convertFieldList (const IR::Expression *expression)
virtual const IR::Expression * convertHashAlgorithm (Util::SourceInfo srcInfo, IR::ID algorithm)
virtual const IR::Expression * convertHashAlgorithms (const IR::NameList *algorithm)
virtual const IR::Declaration_Instance * convert (const IR::Register *reg, cstring newName, const IR::Type *regElementType=nullptr)
virtual const IR::Type_Struct * createFieldListType (const IR::Expression *expression)
virtual const IR::FieldListCalculation * getFieldListCalculation (const IR::Expression *)
virtual const IR::FieldList * getFieldLists (const IR::FieldListCalculation *flc)
virtual const IR::Expression * paramReference (const IR::Parameter *param)
const IR::Statement * sliceAssign (const IR::Primitive *prim, const IR::Expression *left, const IR::Expression *right, const IR::Expression *mask)
void tablesReferred (const IR::V1Control *control, std::vector< const IR::V1Table * > &out)
bool isHeader (const IR::ConcreteHeaderRef *nhr) const
cstring makeUniqueName (cstring base)
bool isFieldInList (cstring type, cstring field, const IR::FieldList *fl) const
virtual const IR::Vector< IR::Expression > * listIndexes (cstring type, cstring field) const
const IR::Expression * listIndex (const IR::Expression *fl) const
const IR::Type * explodeType (const std::vector< const IR::Type::Bits * > &fieldTypes)
const IR::Expression * explodeLabel (const IR::Constant *value, const IR::Constant *mask, const std::vector< const IR::Type::Bits * > &fieldTypes)
virtual IR::Vector< IR::Argument > * createApplyArguments (cstring n)
virtual void loadModel ()
void createExterns ()
void createTypes ()
virtual const IR::P4Program * create (Util::SourceInfo info)
virtual const IR::ParserState * convertParser (const IR::V1Parser *, IR::IndexedVector< IR::Declaration > *)
virtual const IR::Statement * convertParserStatement (const IR::Expression *expr)
virtual const IR::P4Control * convertControl (const IR::V1Control *control, cstring newName)
virtual const IR::Declaration_Instance * convertDirectMeter (const IR::Meter *m, cstring newName)
virtual const IR::Declaration_Instance * convertDirectCounter (const IR::Counter *c, cstring newName)
virtual const IR::Declaration_Instance * convert (const IR::CounterOrMeter *cm, cstring newName)
virtual const IR::Declaration_Instance * convertActionProfile (const IR::ActionProfile *, cstring newName)
virtual const IR::P4Table * convertTable (const IR::V1Table *table, cstring newName, IR::IndexedVector< IR::Declaration > &stateful, std::map< cstring, cstring > &)
virtual const IR::P4Action * convertAction (const IR::ActionFunction *action, cstring newName, const IR::Meter *meterToAccess, cstring counterToAccess)
virtual const IR::Statement * convertMeterCall (const IR::Meter *meterToAccess)
virtual const IR::Statement * convertCounterCall (cstring counterToAccess)
virtual const IR::Type_Control * controlType (IR::ID name)
const IR::PathExpression * getState (IR::ID dest)
virtual const IR::Expression * counterType (const IR::CounterOrMeter *cm)
virtual void createChecksumVerifications ()
virtual void createChecksumUpdates ()
virtual void createStructures ()
virtual cstring createType (const IR::Type_StructLike *type, bool header, std::unordered_set< const IR::Type * > *converted)
virtual void createParser ()
virtual void createControls ()
void createDeparserInternal (IR::ID deparserId, IR::Parameter *packetOut, IR::Parameter *headers, std::vector< IR::Parameter * >, IR::IndexedVector< IR::Declaration > controlLocals, std::function< IR::BlockStatement *(IR::BlockStatement *)>)
virtual void createDeparser ()
virtual void createMain ()
static const IR::Annotations * addNameAnnotation (cstring name, const IR::Annotations *annos=nullptr)
static const IR::Annotations * addGlobalNameAnnotation (cstring name, const IR::Annotations *annos=nullptr)

Detailed Description

Information about the structure of a P4-14 program, used to convert it to a P4-16 program.

Member Function Documentation

◆ addGlobalNameAnnotation()

const IR::Annotations * P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::addGlobalNameAnnotation ( cstring name,
const IR::Annotations * annos = nullptr )

Like addNameAnnotation(), but prefixes a "." to make the name global. You should generally prefer this method;

See also
addNameAnnotation() for more discussion.

◆ convertParser()

const IR::ParserState * P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::convertParser ( const IR::V1Parser * parser,
IR::IndexedVector< IR::Declaration > * stateful )

convert a P4-14 parser to P4-16 parser state.

parserThe P4-14 parser IR node to be converted
statefulIf any declaration is created during the conversion, save to 'stateful'
The P4-16 parser state corresponding to the P4-14 parser

◆ createControls()

void P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::createControls ( )

do not convert control block if it is not invoked by other control block and it is not ingress or egress.

◆ listIndex()

const IR::Expression * P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::listIndex ( const IR::Expression * fl) const

Given an expression which is supposed to be a field list return a constant representing its value in the fieldListsEnum.

◆ listIndexes()

const IR::Vector< IR::Expression > * P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::listIndexes ( cstring type,
cstring field ) const

A vector with indexes of the field lists that contain this field. Returns nullptr if the field does not appear in any list.

◆ populateOutputNames()

void P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::populateOutputNames ( )

This inserts the names of the identifiers used in the output P4-16 programs into allNames, forcing P4-14 names that clash to be renamed.

Member Data Documentation

◆ directMeters

std::map<cstring, const IR::Meter *> P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::directMeters

Maps table name to direct meter.

Maps table to direct counter.

◆ extractsSynthesized

std::map<const IR::MethodCallExpression *, const IR::Type_Header *> P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::extractsSynthesized

Maps each inserted extract statement to the type of the header type that is being extracted. The extracts will need another pass to cope with varbit fields.

◆ finalHeaderType

std::map<cstring, const IR::Type *> P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::finalHeaderType

Some types are transformed during conversion; this maps the original P4-14 header type name to the final P4-16 Type_Header. We can't use the P4-14 type object itself as a key, because it keeps changing.

◆ registerLayoutType

std::map<cstring, cstring> P4::P4V1::ProgramStructure::registerLayoutType

For registers whose layout is a header, this map contains the mapping from the original layout type name to the final layout type name.