![]() |
The P4 Compiler
The namespace encapsulating Barefoot/Intel-specific stuff. More...
Classes | |
class | ActionArgSetup |
class | ActionBodySetup |
class | ActionFunctionSetup |
struct | ActionProfile |
struct | ActionSelector |
class | ActionSynthesisPolicy |
class | AddAdjustByteCount |
class | AddHardwareConstrainedFields |
class | AddIntrinsicMetadata |
class | AddMetadataFields |
struct | AddMetadataParserStates |
class | AddPaddingFields |
class | AddParserPad |
Add "padding" (additional states/extract fields) to parsers to meet minimum parse depth requirements. More... | |
struct | AddPsaBridgeMetadata |
class | AddT2naMeta |
struct | AddTnaBridgeMetadata |
class | AdjustByteCountSetup |
class | Alloc1D |
class | Alloc1Dbase |
class | Alloc2D |
class | Alloc2Dbase |
class | Alloc3D |
class | Alloc3Dbase |
class | AlpmImplementation |
Top level PassManager that governs the ALPM implementation. More... | |
struct | AncestorStates |
class | AnnotateVarbitExtractStates |
class | AnnotateWithInHash |
Top level PassManager that governs annotation of specific assignment statements with the @in_hash annotation. More... | |
class | ApplyEvaluator |
class | Architecture |
class | ArchTranslation |
PassManager that governs the normalization of variations in the architectures. More... | |
class | AsmOutput |
Generate assembly output. More... | |
struct | AssignmentStmtErrorCheck |
struct | AssignOr |
class | AttachTables |
class | Backend |
class | BackendConstantFolding |
class | BackendConverter |
class | BackendStrengthReduction |
class | BFRuntimeArchHandlerCommon |
class | BFRuntimeArchHandlerPSA |
class | BFRuntimeArchHandlerTofino |
struct | BlockInfo |
struct | BridgedFieldInfo |
class | CheckDesignPattern |
Top level PassManager that governs checking for design patterns. More... | |
class | CheckDirectExternsOnTables |
class | CheckDirectResourceInvocation |
class | CheckExternInvocationCommon |
class | CheckExternValidity |
Checks if the emit function call is valid with the TNA constraints. More... | |
class | CheckHeaderAlignment |
class | CheckPadAssignment |
class | CheckPhaseZeroExtern |
class | CheckRegisterActions |
PassManager that checks if the RegisterActions work on proper Registers. More... | |
class | CheckReservedNames |
class | CheckT2NAExternInvocation |
class | CheckTableConstEntries |
class | CheckTNAExternInvocation |
class | CheckUnimplementedFeatures |
class | CheckUnsupported |
Check for unsupported features in the backend compiler. More... | |
class | CheckVarbitAccess |
Checks that varbit accesses in pipeline are valid. More... | |
class | CloneConstants |
class | ClotResourcesLogging |
class | CollectAlpmInfo |
struct | CollectBridgedFields |
class | CollectHardwareConstrainedFields |
class | CollectIXBarInfo |
class | CollectPhase0Annotation |
class | CollectPipelines |
Inspector pass that collects information about all pipelines declared in the Switch. For given pipeline (given by its numeric id), it is possible to extract the pipeline components (e.g. parsers, deparsers and gress control for all gresses and possible ghost gress). More... | |
class | CollectVarbitExtract |
struct | CollectVariables |
class | CompileTimeOperations |
Pass that checks for operations that are defined at compile time (Div, Mod). More... | |
class | ControlFlowVisitor |
class | ConvertMethodCalls |
class | ConvertPhase0 |
class | ConvertPhase0AssignToExtract |
class | ConvertSizeOfToConstant |
class | CopyHeaders |
struct | CounterExtern |
struct | DebugInfo |
class | DesugarVarbitExtract |
Top level PassManager that governs the rewrite of varbit usage. More... | |
class | DetectMultiplePipelines |
struct | Digest |
The information about a digest instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
class | DoAnnotateWithInHash |
class | DoInitializeMirrorIOSelect |
class | DoRemoveActionParametersTofino |
struct | DoRewriteControlAndParserBlocks |
class | DropPacketWithMirrorEngine |
class | DropPacketWithMirrorEngine_ |
class | DynamicHashJson |
struct | DynHash |
The information about a hash instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
class | ElimCasts |
Top level PassManager that simplifies complex expression with multiple casts into simpler expression with at most one cast. More... | |
class | EliminateHeaders |
class | EliminateTuples |
class | EliminateWidthCasts |
class | ElimParserValidZeroWrites |
Eliminate unnecessary parser zero-writes to validity bits. More... | |
struct | ElimUnusedMetadataStates |
class | EnumOn32Bits |
Class that implements a policy suitable for the ConvertEnums pass. More... | |
struct | ErrorOnUnsupportedVarbitUse |
class | ErrorType |
Barefoot specific error and warning types. More... | |
struct | EvaluateForVar |
class | EvaluatorPass |
A modified version of P4::EvaluatorPass that uses BFN::TypeChecking. More... | |
struct | ExtractChecksum |
Pass that extracts checksums from deparser. More... | |
class | ExtractDeparser |
Transforms midend deparser IR::BFN::TnaDeparser into backend deparser IR::BFN::Deparser. More... | |
class | ExtractMetadata |
class | ExtractParser |
Transforms midend parser IR::BFN::TnaParser into backend parser IR::BFN::Parser. More... | |
struct | FieldPacking |
struct | FindArchitecture |
struct | FindBridgeMetadataAssignment |
class | FindDirectExterns |
class | FindPaddingCandidate |
class | FixP4Table |
class | FixupMirrorMetadata |
class | FixupResubmitMetadata |
class | FlattenHeader |
Pass that flattened nested struct within a struct. More... | |
class | FoldConstantHashes |
PassManager that substitutes the calls of the get methods of the Hash externs whose inputs are constants with the resulting hash value. More... | |
struct | FrontEndPolicy |
class | GatewayControlFlow |
class | GenerateDynamicHashJson |
class | GenerateTofinoProgram |
class | GetBackendParser |
Converts frontend parser IR into backend IR. More... | |
class | GetBackendTables |
struct | GetHeaderStackIndex |
class | HasTableApply |
struct | HeaderStackInfo |
Metadata about how header stacks are used in the program. More... | |
class | IdentifyPadRequirements |
Verify parse depth requirements and identify any "pad" required. More... | |
class | IdentifyPovMergeTargets |
Identify POV bits that can be merged. More... | |
class | IgnoreKeyElementTransform |
Auxiliary transformer to avoid processing IR::KeyElement nodes. More... | |
class | InitializeMirrorIOSelect |
Initializes eg_intr_md_for_dprsr.mirror_io_select on devices except Tofino1. More... | |
class | InjectTmpVar |
PassManager which controls injecting of temporary variables to be used instead of nested structures which need to be flattened by FlattenHeader pass. More... | |
class | InsertHashStructExpression |
class | IsPhase0 |
class | IsSlice |
class | IsSliceMask |
class | KeyIsSimple |
struct | LinearPath |
class | LoweringType |
struct | Lpf |
The information about a LPF instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
struct | Match |
class | MergePovBits |
Merge POV bits where a single POV bit could be shared between multiple headers. More... | |
struct | MetadataField |
A helper struct used to construct the metadata remapping tables. More... | |
struct | MeterExtern |
class | MidEnd |
class | MidEndLast |
Final midend pass. More... | |
struct | MoveBridgeMetadataAssignment |
struct | NormalizeNativeProgram |
class | OptionalToTernaryMatchTypeConverter |
Pass that converts optional match type to ternary. More... | |
class | P4RuntimeStdConverter |
class | PadFlexibleField |
class | ParseAnnotations |
class | ParserEnforceDepthReq |
Enforce parser min/max depth requirements. More... | |
struct | ParserLoopsInfo |
struct | ParserPragmas |
class | ParserResourcesLogging |
Class for generating JSON info with parser resources usage for visualization in P4I. More... | |
class | ParseTna |
struct | PathLinearizer |
class | PingPongGeneration |
PassManager that adds the ping pong mechanism for ghost thread. More... | |
struct | Pipeline |
class | PortableSwitchTranslation |
PassManager that governs normalization of PSA architecture. More... | |
struct | PortMetadata |
class | Pragma |
class | ProcessBackendPipe |
must be applied to IR::BFN::Pipe More... | |
class | ProcessParde |
class | ProgramPipelines |
struct | ProgramStructure |
struct | PSAArchHandlerBuilder |
The architecture handler builder implementation for PSA. More... | |
struct | PsaBridgeIngressToEgress |
struct | Register |
The information about a register instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
struct | RegisterParam |
The information about a register parameter instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
class | RegisterReadWrite |
The pass replaces the Register.read/write() calls with register actions. More... | |
class | RemoveActionParameters |
Top level PassManager that governs moving of action parameters out of the actions (specialized for BFN). More... | |
struct | RemoveExternMethodCallsExcludedByAnnotation |
class | RemoveSelectBooleans |
struct | RemoveSetMetadata |
struct | RemoveZeroVarbitExtract |
class | RenameP4StartState |
struct | ResetHeaderStackIndex |
struct | ResolveHeaderStackIndex |
class | ResolveSizeOfOperator |
class | ResourcesLogging |
Class for generating resources.json logfile. More... | |
struct | RestoreParams |
class | RewriteActionNames |
class | RewriteActionSelector |
class | RewriteCastToReinterpretCast |
Pass that converts some of the IR::Casts to ReinterpretCasts. More... | |
class | RewriteConcatToSlices |
Pass that replaces concat ++ operations with multiple operations on slices in the contexts. More... | |
struct | RewriteControlAndParserBlocks |
class | RewriteEgressIntrinsicMetadataHeader |
Pass that updates egress intrinsic metadata. More... | |
class | RewriteFlexibleStruct |
Top level PassManager that governs moving of flexible annotation from structure to its fields. More... | |
struct | RewriteHeader |
struct | RewriteParserChecksums |
struct | RewriteParserStatements |
Rewrites frontend parser IR statements to the backend ones. More... | |
class | RewriteParserVerify |
struct | RewritePathToStartState |
class | RewriteTypeArguments |
class | RewriteVarbitTypes |
class | RewriteVarbitUses |
class | SaveHashListExpression |
class | SearchAndReplaceExpr |
class | SetDefaultSize |
Pass that sets default table size to 512 entries. More... | |
class | SetupActionProperties |
class | SimpleSwitchTranslation |
PassManager that governs normalization of v1model architecture. More... | |
class | SimplifyEmitArgs |
Top level PassManager that governs simplification of headers and emits. More... | |
class | SimplifyNestedCasts |
Pass that removes nested casts when applicable. More... | |
class | SimplifyOperationBinary |
Pass that moves the cast on binary operation to each operand. More... | |
class | SimplifyRedundantCasts |
Pass that removes some of the redundant casts. More... | |
class | SnapshotFieldFinder |
class | SnapshotFieldIdTable |
struct | SnapshotFieldInfo |
class | SplitAlpm |
Pass that splits ALPM table into pre-classifier TCAM and TCAM. More... | |
class | StrengthReduction |
class | SymbolType |
Extends P4RuntimeSymbolType for the Tofino extern types. More... | |
struct | T2naArchTranslation |
PassManager that governs normalization of T2NA architecture. More... | |
struct | TnaArchTranslation |
PassManager that governs normalization of TNA architecture. More... | |
struct | TofinoArchHandlerBuilder |
The architecture handler builder implementation for Tofino. More... | |
class | TransformResubmitHeaders |
struct | TranslatePhase0 |
class | TranslationFirst |
class | TranslationLast |
class | TypeChecking |
A TypeChecking pass in BFN namespace that uses the extended TypeInference pass. This should be used in our midend. More... | |
class | TypeInference |
Extended type inference pass from p4c used in barefoot's midend. More... | |
class | UpdatePhase0Header |
class | UpdatePhase0NodeInParser |
class | UpdatePovBits |
Merge POV bits. More... | |
struct | ValueSet |
The information about a value set instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
struct | Wred |
The information about a Wred instance which is needed to serialize it. More... | |
Typedefs | |
typedef std::map< const IR::P4Action *, std::vector< const P4::ExternMethod * > > | ActionExterns |
typedef std::unordered_map< const IR::Declaration *, std::unordered_set< const IR::Declaration * > > | ActionsByRegister |
using | BitOffsetMap = std::unordered_map<const IR::MethodCallExpression *, unsigned> |
using | BlockInfoMapping = std::multimap<const IR::Node *, BlockInfo> |
using | ChecksumInstrMap = std::unordered_map<cstring, const IR::MethodCallExpression *> |
using | ChecksumOffsetMap = std::unordered_map<cstring, std::unordered_map<cstring, int>> |
using | ChecksumSourceMap = ordered_map<const IR::Member *, const IR::MethodCallExpression *> |
typedef assoc::map< const IR::Declaration_Instance *, const IR::MAU::AttachedMemory * > | DeclarationConversions |
using | DefaultPortMap = std::map<int, std::vector<int>> |
using | ExtractedFieldsMap = ordered_map<const IR::Member *, const IR::BFN::PacketRVal *> |
using | FieldListId = std::tuple<gress_t, unsigned, cstring> |
using | FieldRef = std::pair<cstring, cstring> |
using | HeaderToPad = std::unordered_set<cstring> |
using | HeaderTypeMap = ordered_map<cstring, const IR::Type_Header *> |
using | MetadataMap = ordered_map<cstring, IR::MetadataInfo *> |
using | MirroredFieldList = IR::Vector<IR::Expression> |
using | MirroredFieldLists = std::map<FieldListId, const MirroredFieldList *> |
using | NodeNameMap = ordered_map<const IR::Node *, cstring> |
using | Phase0AnnotMap = std::map<cstring, cstring> |
typedef std::map< const IR::BFN::TnaParser *, const IR::Type_StructLike * > | Phase0CallMap |
typedef std::unordered_map< const IR::P4Control *, ordered_set< IR::Declaration_Instance * > > | RegisterActionsByControl |
typedef std::unordered_map< const IR::Declaration *, std::unordered_map< const IR::Declaration_Instance *, ordered_set< const IR::Statement * > > > | RegisterCallsByAction |
typedef std::unordered_map< const IR::Declaration *, std::unordered_map< const IR::Declaration_Instance *, IR::MethodCallExpression * > > | RegisterExecuteCallByAction |
using | ResubmitExtracts = std::map<unsigned, std::pair<cstring, const ResubmitSources *>> |
using | ResubmitHeaders = std::unordered_set<cstring> |
using | ResubmitSources = IR::Vector<IR::Expression> |
using | SimpleNameMap = std::map<cstring, cstring> |
typedef assoc::map< const IR::Declaration_Instance *, const IR::MAU::Selector * > | StatefulSelectors |
using | TranslationMap = ordered_map<const IR::Node *, const IR::Node *> |
Enumerations | |
enum class | Arch { TNA , PSA } |
enum | ArchBlock_t { PARSER = 0 , MAU , DEPARSER , BLOCK_TYPE } |
Functions | |
void | add_param (ordered_map< cstring, cstring > &tnaParams, const IR::ParameterList *params, IR::ParameterList *newParams, cstring hdr, size_t index, cstring hdr_type=""_cs, IR::Direction dir=IR::Direction::None) |
const IR::ParserState * | addNewStartState (cstring name, cstring nextState) |
void | addNewStartState (IR::P4Parser *parser, cstring name, cstring nextState) |
void | check_compile_time_constant (const IR::Constant *c, const IR::MethodCallExpression *call, int varbit_field_size, bool zero_ok=false) |
void | collect_diagnostic_checks (BfErrorReporter &reporter, BFN_Options &options) |
Collects error/warning checks from the program. | |
std::vector< const IR::Expression * > | convertConcatToList (const IR::Concat *expr) |
void | convertConcatToList (std::vector< const IR::Expression * > &slices, const IR::Concat *expr) |
const IR::ParserState * | convertStartStateToNormalState (const IR::ParserState *state, cstring newName) |
const IR::ParserState * | convertStartStateToNormalState (IR::P4Parser *parser, cstring newName) |
P4::P4RuntimeAPI | convertToStdP4Runtime (const P4::P4RuntimeAPI &p4RuntimeIn) |
IR::Member * | create_member (cstring hdr, cstring member) |
IR::AssignmentStatement * | create_valid_statement (const IR::Type_Header *hdr, const IR::Expression *path, bool value) |
const IR::Statement * | createAdvanceCall (cstring pkt, int bits) |
const IR::Statement * | createExtractCall (cstring pkt, cstring type, cstring hdr) |
const IR::Statement * | createExtractCall (cstring pkt, cstring typeName, IR::Expression *member) |
const IR::Statement * | createExtractCall (cstring pkt, IR::Expression *member) |
const IR::ParserState * | createGeneratedParserState (cstring name, IR::IndexedVector< IR::StatOrDecl > &&statements, const IR::Expression *selectExpression) |
const IR::ParserState * | createGeneratedParserState (cstring name, IR::IndexedVector< IR::StatOrDecl > &&statements, cstring nextState) |
const IR::Expression * | createLookaheadExpr (cstring pkt, int bits) |
const IR::SelectCase * | createSelectCase (unsigned bitWidth, unsigned value, unsigned mask, const IR::ParserState *nextState) |
const IR::Statement * | createSetMetadata (const IR::Expression *dest, cstring header, cstring field) |
const IR::Statement * | createSetMetadata (cstring header, cstring field, int bitWidth, int constant) |
const IR::Statement * | createSetMetadata (cstring param, cstring header, cstring field, int bitWidth, int constant) |
const IR::Statement * | createSetValid (const Util::SourceInfo &si, cstring header, cstring field) |
const IR::BFN::Pipe * | extract_maupipe (const IR::P4Program *, BFN_Options &options) |
IR::BFN::Pipe * | extractChecksumFromDeparser (const IR::BFN::TnaDeparser *deparser, IR::BFN::Pipe *pipe) |
template<class T> | |
const T * | findContext (const Visitor::Context *c) |
void | force_link_dump (const IR::Node *n) |
void | generateRuntime (const IR::P4Program *program, const BFN_Options &options) |
const IR::StructField * | get_varbit_structfield (const IR::Member *member) |
AssignOr | getAssignOr (const IR::Expression *lhs, const IR::Expression *rhs) |
const IR::Type * | getBaseType (const IR::Type *type) |
const IR::Parameter * | getContainingParameter (const LinearPath &path, P4::ReferenceMap *refMap) |
const IR::Declaration_Instance * | getDeclInst (const P4::ReferenceMap *refMap, const IR::PathExpression *path) |
cstring | getDefaultPhase0TableKeyName () |
std::optional< const IR::ExpressionValue * > | getExpressionFromProperty (const IR::P4Table *table, const cstring &propertyName) |
std::optional< P4::ExternInstance > | getExternInstanceFromProperty (const IR::P4Table *table, cstring propertyName, P4::ReferenceMap *refMap, P4::TypeMap *typeMap) |
std::optional< P4::ExternInstance > | getExternInstanceFromPropertyByTypeName (const IR::P4Table *table, cstring propertyName, cstring externTypeName, P4::ReferenceMap *refMap, P4::TypeMap *typeMap, bool *isConstructedInPlace) |
std::optional< cstring > | getExternTypeName (const P4::ExternMethod *extMethod) |
cstring | getTypeName (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | hasAtcamPragma (const IR::P4Table *const table_ptr) |
bool | isCompilerGeneratedType (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | isEgressIntrinsicHeader (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | isHeaderReference (const LinearPath &path, P4::TypeMap *typeMap) |
bool | isHeaderType (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | isIntrinsicMetadataType (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | isMetadataReference (const LinearPath &path, P4::TypeMap *typeMap) |
bool | isMetadataType (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | isPrimitiveFieldReference (const LinearPath &path, P4::TypeMap *typeMap) |
bool | isPrimitiveReference (const LinearPath &path, P4::TypeMap *typeMap) |
bool | isPrimitiveType (const IR::Type *type) |
bool | isSubobjectOfParameter (const LinearPath &path, P4::ReferenceMap *refMap) |
std::optional< nw_bitrange > | lookaheadToExtractRange (P4::TypeMap *typeMap, const IR::Expression *expr, int currentBit, bool *partial_hdr_err_proc) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const BFN::MetadataField &m) |
std::ostream & | operator<< (std::ostream &out, const DynamicHashJson &dyn) |
const IR::BFN::PacketRVal * | resolveLookahead (P4::TypeMap *typeMap, const IR::Expression *expr, int currentBit) |
bool | skipFlexibleHeader (const Visitor::Context *, const IR::Type_StructLike *e) |
bool | skipRegisterActionOutput (const Visitor::Context *ctxt, const IR::Expression *) |
const IR::Expression * | stripReinterpret (const IR::Expression *rhs) |
TEST (BFNTypeCategories, Types) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, CreateExtractionState) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, EmptyPackingAlignment) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, FieldAlignment) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, Fields) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, ForEachField) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, LargePhase) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, Padding) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, PaddingAlignment) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, ZeroAlignment) | |
TEST (TofinoFieldPacking, ZeroPadding) | |
TEST (TofinoPathLinearizer, HeaderStackIndexing) | |
TEST (TofinoPathLinearizer, MemberExpression) | |
TEST (TofinoPathLinearizer, NestedMemberExpressions) | |
TEST (TofinoPathLinearizer, PathExpression) | |
TEST (TofinoPathLinearizer, RejectNonPathlikeExpressions) | |
TEST (TofinoPathLinearizer, RejectUnexpectedExpressions) | |
std::string | to_lower (std::smatch::const_reference it) |
Variables | |
unsigned | algoHandle = 0x0 |
unsigned | dynHashHandle = 0x0 |
const cstring | ExternDynamicHashString = "hash"_cs |
const cstring | ExternPortMetadataUnpackString = "port_metadata_unpack"_cs |
unsigned | fieldListHandle = 0x0 |
The namespace encapsulating Barefoot/Intel-specific stuff.
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Collect pipelines form program.
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Detects multiple pipelines in a program
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Detects program with multiple pipelines.
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Impact for Large Packets Dropped at Ingress Deparser Description: If the ingress deparser drops a packet it is possible that no learning digest will be generated, and that ingress MAU byte counters and meters are credited with a byte count less than the actual size of the packet. This may happen if the entire packet is not received before the ingress deparser processes it. The exact packet sizes at which this may occur depend on the latency of the ingress pipeline but are on the order of larger than about 7600 bytes for a 400g interface or about 2200 bytes for a 100g interface. Workaround: Do not drop packets at the ingress deparser, instead mirror them to a disabled mirroring session to drop them by the mirror block. This fix applies to Tofino 1 and 2.
Copyright (C) 2024 Intel Corporation
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
SPDX-License-Identifier: Apache-2.0 Detects registers that are used by ingress and ghost, creates a duplicate tables and registers if needed and attaches a ping-pong mechanism onto them.
This file contains implementation of different methods, refer to the header file for more abstract overview to determine what each method should do and is used for.
struct BFN::CounterExtern |
struct BFN::Digest |
The information about a digest instance which is needed to serialize it.
Class Members | ||
const IAnnotated * | annotations | |
const cstring | name | |
const P4DataTypeSpec * | typeSpec |
struct BFN::DynHash |
struct BFN::MeterExtern |
typedef assoc::map<const IR::Declaration_Instance *, const IR::MAU::AttachedMemory *> BFN::DeclarationConversions |
The purpose of this code is to translate in each pipeline to Backend structures. At the top of each pipeline, each extern to be used by that pipeline is declared.
At the moment, we only resolve Declaration Instances to create BackendAttached tables. This may need to extend to other features at somepoint, for example Checksums, or other potential parser externs.
Furthermore, there is not always a one-to-one map of Declaration_Instance to BackendAttached table. The two currently known and handled cases are:
These two special cases are handled individually in the code, rather than having a total map for the entire gress. Depending on how complicated cases get, this may have to expanded at somepoint.
strong |
We re-use as much code as possible between PSA and TNA. The two architectures have some differences though, in particular regarding naming (of table properties, extern types, parameter names). We define some "traits" for each extern type, templatized by the architecture name (using the Arch enum class defined below), as a convenient way to access architecture-specific names in the unified code.
Add a new start state to the given parser, with a potentially non-'start' name applied via an @name
void BFN::collect_diagnostic_checks | ( | BfErrorReporter & | reporter, |
BFN_Options & | options ) |
Collects error/warning checks from the program.
Checks are added by comments containing expect error@OFFSET: "REGEXP" and expect warning@OFFSET: "REGEXP".
OFFSET is the difference between the source line that the comment is on and the line that the compiler is expected to report the error/warning on. It can be omitted together with the '@', in which case it is set to 0, meaning the error/warning is expected on the same line. In case the error/warning has no source line reported, the text NO SOURCE should be written in place of OFFSET, which makes the check not require any source line.
REGEXP is the regular expression for the expected error/warning message.
The expected error/warning messages are EMCAScript regular expressions that messages reported during compilation will be matched against. If the source line number is required, the repored message has to include it. If the reported message has multiple locations, the specified source line can be any of them.
If there is at least one error check in the program, the compiler will return a success return code (0) if each reported error has been matched with one error check and there are no unmatched error checks left at the end of the compilation, otherwise the compiler will report a failure. Warnings are less strict and will cause a failure only if there are unmatched warning checks left at the end of the compilation, but there can be other warnings that are not listed in checks.
Example checks:
const IR::ParserState * BFN::convertStartStateToNormalState | ( | IR::P4Parser * | parser, |
cstring | newName ) |
Rename the start state of the given parser and return it. This will leave the parser without a start state, so the caller must create a new one.
P4::P4RuntimeAPI BFN::convertToStdP4Runtime | ( | const P4::P4RuntimeAPI & | p4RuntimeInput | ) |
Takes a P4Info message generated for a TNA-specific architecture and converts it to a "standard" P4Info message, which can be used with a standard P4Runtime implementation (with no support for TNA-specific extensions). Displays a warning to the user for each extern instance that cannot be converted.
const IR::Statement * BFN::createAdvanceCall | ( | cstring | pkt, |
int | bits ) |
call that advances by the given number of bits. extract()
call that extracts the given header. const IR::Statement * BFN::createExtractCall | ( | cstring | pkt, |
cstring | typeName, | ||
IR::Expression * | member ) |
call that extracts the given header. const IR::Statement * BFN::createExtractCall | ( | cstring | pkt, |
IR::Expression * | member ) |
call that extracts the given header. const IR::ParserState * BFN::createGeneratedParserState | ( | cstring | name, |
IR::IndexedVector< IR::StatOrDecl > && | statements, | ||
const IR::Expression * | selectExpression ) |
annotation with a '$' prefix. Downstream, we search for certain '$' states and replace them with more generated parser code. const IR::Expression * BFN::createLookaheadExpr | ( | cstring | pkt, |
int | bits ) |
type. const IR::SelectCase * BFN::createSelectCase | ( | unsigned | bitWidth, |
unsigned | value, | ||
unsigned | mask, | ||
const IR::ParserState * | nextState ) |
const IR::Statement * BFN::createSetMetadata | ( | const IR::Expression * | dest, |
cstring | header, | ||
cstring | field ) |
dest = header.field
. const IR::Statement * BFN::createSetMetadata | ( | cstring | header, |
cstring | field, | ||
int | bitWidth, | ||
int | constant ) |
header.field = constant
. const IR::Statement * BFN::createSetMetadata | ( | cstring | param, |
cstring | header, | ||
cstring | field, | ||
int | bitWidth, | ||
int | constant ) |
param.header.field = constant
. const IR::Statement * BFN::createSetValid | ( | const Util::SourceInfo & | si, |
cstring | header, | ||
cstring | field ) |
. void BFN::generateRuntime | ( | const IR::P4Program * | program, |
const BFN_Options & | options ) |
A convenience wrapper for P4::generateP4Runtime(). This must be called before the translation pass and will generate the correct P4Info message based on the original architecture (v1model, PSA, TNA or JNA).
const IR::Parameter * BFN::getContainingParameter | ( | const LinearPath & | path, |
P4::ReferenceMap * | refMap ) |
would return true, or nullptr otherwise. const IR::Declaration_Instance * BFN::getDeclInst | ( | const P4::ReferenceMap * | refMap, |
const IR::PathExpression * | path ) |
Auxiliary function to get a declaration instance based on a path expression from a reference map.
[in] | refMap | Reference map |
[in] | path | The path expression |
std::optional< P4::ExternInstance > BFN::getExternInstanceFromProperty | ( | const IR::P4Table * | table, |
cstring | propertyName, | ||
P4::ReferenceMap * | refMap, | ||
P4::TypeMap * | typeMap ) |
Helper functions to extract extern instance from table properties. Originally implemented in as part of the control-plane repo.
property, or std::nullopt if no extern was referenced. std::optional< P4::ExternInstance > BFN::getExternInstanceFromPropertyByTypeName | ( | const IR::P4Table * | table, |
cstring | propertyName, | ||
cstring | externTypeName, | ||
P4::ReferenceMap * | refMap, | ||
P4::TypeMap * | typeMap, | ||
bool * | isConstructedInPlace ) |
Helper functions to handle list of extern instances from table properties.
bool BFN::isCompilerGeneratedType | ( | const IR::Type * | type | ) |
annotation; the compiler tags types it generates with this annotation. bool BFN::isHeaderReference | ( | const LinearPath & | path, |
P4::TypeMap * | typeMap ) |
returns true; see that function for the full criteria), orbool BFN::isHeaderType | ( | const IR::Type * | type | ) |
returns false. bool BFN::isIntrinsicMetadataType | ( | const IR::Type * | type | ) |
annotation; the architecture tags types with this annotation if they're intrinsic metadata. bool BFN::isMetadataReference | ( | const LinearPath & | path, |
P4::TypeMap * | typeMap ) |
returns true; see that function for the full criteria), orbool BFN::isMetadataType | ( | const IR::Type * | type | ) |
. The second case is required for TNA, which represents some types which are logically metadata as headers. bool BFN::isPrimitiveFieldReference | ( | const LinearPath & | path, |
P4::TypeMap * | typeMap ) |
bool BFN::isPrimitiveReference | ( | const LinearPath & | path, |
P4::TypeMap * | typeMap ) |
bool BFN::isPrimitiveType | ( | const IR::Type * | type | ) |
bool BFN::isSubobjectOfParameter | ( | const LinearPath & | path, |
P4::ReferenceMap * | refMap ) |
std::optional< nw_bitrange > BFN::lookaheadToExtractRange | ( | P4::TypeMap * | typeMap, |
const IR::Expression * | expr, | ||
int | currentBit, | ||
bool * | partial_hdr_err_proc ) |
Rewrite an expression that is a lookahead or a member of a lookahead value (inc. slices and stack-parts of lookaheads) to a tuple (type of the extracted expression, corresponding range of bits to be extracted from packet). If the input is not such an expression the result will contain nullptr as the first member of the tuple.