The P4 Compiler
No Matches
ActionPhvConstraints Class Reference

#include <action_phv_constraints.h>

Inheritance diagram for ActionPhvConstraints:


struct  ActionSources

Public Member Functions

 ActionPhvConstraints (const PhvInfo &p, const PhvUse &u, const PackConflicts &c, const MapTablesToActions &m, const DependencyGraph &d)
ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > actionReads (const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
const ordered_set< PHV::FieldSlice > & actionReadsSlices (const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > actions_reading_fields (const PHV::Field *f) const
ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > actions_writing_fields (const PHV::AllocSlice &slice) const
ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > actions_writing_fields (const PHV::Field *f) const
ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > actionWrites (const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
const ordered_set< PHV::FieldSliceactionWritesSlices (const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
bool all_field_slices_written_together (const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state, const PHV::ActionSet &set_of_actions, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
CanPackReturnType can_pack (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &slices, const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &original_container_state, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
bool can_pack_pov (const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList *slice_list, const PHV::Field *f) const
CanPackErrorV2 can_pack_v2 (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &slices) const
 can_pack_v2 checks whether allocating slices will violate any action constraints.
bool cannot_initialize (const PHV::Container &c, const IR::MAU::Action *action, const PHV::Allocation &alloc) const
CanPackErrorCode check_ara_move_constraints (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state, const PHV::Container &c, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
CanPackErrorV2 check_bitwise_and_basic_move_constraints (const PHV::ActionSet &actions, const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state, const ActionPropertyMap *action_props) const
CanPackErrorV2 check_move_constraints (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const IR::MAU::Action *action, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &slices, const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state, const PHV::Container &c, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
CanPackErrorV2 check_move_constraints_from_read (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &candidates, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
CanPackErrorV2 check_read_action_move_constraints (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &candidates, const IR::MAU::Action *action, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
CanPackErrorV2 check_read_action_num_source_constraints (const PHV::Allocation &alloc, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &candidates, const IR::MAU::Action *action) const
bool checkBridgedPackingConstraints (const ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > &packing) const
ordered_map< const PHV::Field *, int > compute_sources_first_order (const ordered_map< const PHV::Field *, std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > > &fields) const
int count_bitmasked_set_instructions (const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &slices, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions) const
bool creates_container_conflicts (const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state, const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap &initActions, const MapTablesToActions &tableActionsMap) const
void dest_first_sort (std::vector< const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * > &slice_list) const
bool diagnoseSuperCluster (const ordered_set< const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * > &sc, const ordered_map< PHV::FieldSlice, unsigned > &fieldAlignments, std::stringstream &error_msg) const
std::optional< const PHV::Field * > field_destination (const PHV::Field *f, const IR::MAU::Action *action) const
ActionSources getActionSources (const IR::MAU::Action *act, const PHV::Container &c, ordered_set< PHV::AllocSlice > &new_slices, const PHV::Allocation &alloc) const
bool hasPackConflict (const PHV::FieldSlice fs1, const PHV::FieldSlice fs2) const
bool hasSpecialityReads (const PHV::Field *f) const
bool is_bitmasked_set (const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &container_state, const ordered_set< PHV::AllocSlice > &fields_not_written_to) const
bool is_in_action_to_writes (const IR::MAU::Action *, cstring) const
bool is_in_field_writes_to_actions (cstring, const IR::MAU::Action *) const
bool is_in_write_to_reads (cstring, const IR::MAU::Action *, cstring) const
bool is_meter_color_destination (const PHV::Field *f) const
 Track all the meter color destination to prioritize 8-bit PHV for such field.
bool is_meter_color_destination_8bit (const PHV::Field *f) const
ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & meter_color_dests ()
const ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & meter_color_dests () const
ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & meter_color_dests_8bit ()
const ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & meter_color_dests_8bit () const
bool move_only_operations (const PHV::Field *f) const
bool pack_conflicts_present (const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state, const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > &slices) const
bool parser_constant_extract_satisfied (const PHV::Container &c, const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices &container_state) const
ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > slices_destinations (const PHV::Field *src, const std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > &slices) const
ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > slices_sources (const PHV::Field *dest, const std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > &slices) const
void sort (std::list< const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * > &slice_list) const
void sort (std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > &slice_list) const
bool written_by_ad_constant (const PHV::Field *f, const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
bool written_in (const PHV::AllocSlice &slice, const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
bool written_in (const PHV::Field *f, const IR::MAU::Action *act) const
- Public Member Functions inherited from P4::Inspector
const IR::Nodeapply_visitor (const IR::Node *, const char *name=0) override
profile_t init_apply (const IR::Node *root) override
virtual void loop_revisit (const IR::Node *)
virtual void postorder (const IR::Node *)
virtual bool preorder (const IR::Node *)
virtual void revisit (const IR::Node *)
void revisit_visited ()
bool visit_in_progress (const IR::Node *n) const
void visitAgain () const override
void visitOnce () const override
- Public Member Functions inherited from P4::Visitor
virtual bool check_global (cstring)
virtual void clear_globals ()
virtual Visitorclone () const
virtual ControlFlowVisitorcontrolFlowVisitor ()
virtual void end_apply (const IR::Node *root)
virtual void erase_global (cstring)
template<class T>
const T * findContext () const
template<class T>
const T * findContext (const Context *&c) const
template<class T>
const T * findOrigCtxt () const
template<class T>
const T * findOrigCtxt (const Context *&c) const
virtual Visitorflow_clone ()
virtual void flow_merge (Visitor &)
virtual bool flow_merge_closure (Visitor &)
virtual void flow_merge_global_from (cstring)
virtual void flow_merge_global_to (cstring)
const ContextgetChildContext () const
int getChildrenVisited () const
const ContextgetContext () const
int getContextDepth () const
const IR::NodegetCurrentNode () const
template<class T>
const T * getCurrentNode () const
const IR::NodegetOriginal () const
template<class T>
const T * getOriginal () const
template<class T>
const T * getParent () const
virtual bool has_flow_joins () const
profile_t init_apply (const IR::Node *root, const Context *parent_context)
template<class T>
bool isInContext () const
template<class T>
bool isInContext (const Context *&c) const
bool isInContext (const IR::Node *n) const
virtual const char * name () const
template<class T>
void parallel_visit (const IR::Vector< T > &v, const char *name, int cidx)
template<class T>
void parallel_visit (const IR::Vector< T > &v, const char *name=0)
template<class T>
void parallel_visit (IR::Vector< T > &v, const char *name, int cidx)
template<class T>
void parallel_visit (IR::Vector< T > &v, const char *name=0)
void print_context () const
const VisitorsetCalledBy (const Visitor *visitor)
void setName (const char *name)
void visit (const IR::Node &n, const char *name, int cidx)
void visit (const IR::Node &n, const char *name=0)
void visit (const IR::Node *&n, const char *name, int cidx)
void visit (const IR::Node *&n, const char *name=0)
void visit (const IR::Node *const &n, const char *name, int cidx)
void visit (const IR::Node *const &n, const char *name=0)
void visit (IR::Node &n, const char *name, int cidx)
void visit (IR::Node &n, const char *name=0)
void visit (IR::Node *&, const char *=0, int=0)
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T> && !std::is_pointer_v<T>>, class... Args>
void warn (const int kind, const char *format, const T &node, Args &&...args)
 The const ref variant of the above.
template<class T, typename = std::enable_if_t<Util::has_SourceInfo_v<T>>, class... Args>
void warn (const int kind, const char *format, const T *node, Args &&...args)
bool warning_enabled (int warning_kind) const


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ActionPhvConstraints::ClassifiedSource &src)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const ActionPhvConstraints::OperandInfo &info)
std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const safe_vector< ActionPhvConstraints::OperandInfo > &info)

Additional Inherited Members

- Public Types inherited from P4::Visitor
typedef Visitor_Context Context
- Static Public Member Functions inherited from P4::Visitor
static cstring demangle (const char *)
static bool warning_enabled (const Visitor *visitor, int warning_kind)
- Public Attributes inherited from P4::Visitor
const Visitorcalled_by = nullptr
cstring internalName
SplitFlowVisit_base *& split_link
SplitFlowVisit_basesplit_link_mem = nullptr
- Protected Member Functions inherited from P4::Visitor
virtual void init_join_flows (const IR::Node *)
virtual bool join_flows (const IR::Node *)
virtual void post_join_flows (const IR::Node *, const IR::Node *)
void visit_children (const IR::Node *, std::function< void()> fn)
- Protected Attributes inherited from P4::Visitor
bool dontForwardChildrenBeforePreorder = false
bool joinFlows = false
bool visitDagOnce = true

Detailed Description

This class is meant to gather action information as well as provide information to PHV analysis through function calls. Methods in AllocatePHV query the information contained in class members here to determine constraints on packing induced by MAU actions.

Must be run after InstructionSelection, as it is dependent on ActionAnalysis

Class Documentation

◆ ActionPhvConstraints::ActionSources

struct ActionPhvConstraints::ActionSources
Class Members
bitvec dest_bits
bool has_ad = false
bool has_const = false
ordered_set< Container > phv
int unalloc = 0

Member Function Documentation

◆ actionReads()

ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > ActionPhvConstraints::actionReads ( const IR::MAU::Action * act) const
the set of fields that are read in action act

◆ actions_reading_fields()

ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > ActionPhvConstraints::actions_reading_fields ( const PHV::Field * f) const
the set of all actions which read field f.

◆ actions_writing_fields()

ordered_set< const IR::MAU::Action * > ActionPhvConstraints::actions_writing_fields ( const PHV::Field * f) const
the set of all the actions which write field f.

◆ actionWrites()

ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > ActionPhvConstraints::actionWrites ( const IR::MAU::Action * act) const
the set of fields that are written in action act

◆ all_field_slices_written_together()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::all_field_slices_written_together ( const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state,
const PHV::ActionSet & set_of_actions,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const
true if: for every slice s in container_state, if an action a in set_of_actions writes that slice, then all other slices in container_state are also written by a; and if an action b in set_of_actions does not write slice s, then all other slices in container_state are also not written by action b.

◆ can_pack()

CanPackReturnType ActionPhvConstraints::can_pack ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & slices,
const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & original_container_state,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const

Checks whether packing slices into a container will violate MAU action constraints. initActions is the map of fields to the actions where those fields must be initialized to enable metadata overlay.

bit positions at which unallocated slices must be allocated for the proposed packing to be valid, or std::nullopt if no packing is possible. An empty map indicates the proposed packing is unconditionally valid.

TODO: Right now, the packing constraints generated by can_pack() have one limitation. Suppose there are n sources related to moves for a container in a particular action, and 2 of the sources (s1 and s2) are already allocated. In that case, valid packing requires the remaining n-2 sources to be packed with either s1 or s2. Right now, s1, s2, and all the other sources are put in the same set in the UnionFind. The allocator needs to be aware of this case.

check and generate conditional constraints.

◆ can_pack_pov()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::can_pack_pov ( const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * slice_list,
const PHV::Field * f ) const
true if the POV bit f can be packed in the same container and the next position in slice_list.

◆ can_pack_v2()

CanPackErrorV2 ActionPhvConstraints::can_pack_v2 ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & slices ) const

can_pack_v2 checks whether allocating slices will violate any action constraints.

TODO: checks inherited from legacy code does not have detailed error message. For example, pack_conflicts_present, stateful_destinations_constraints_violated and ...

◆ cannot_initialize()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::cannot_initialize ( const PHV::Container & c,
const IR::MAU::Action * action,
const PHV::Allocation & alloc ) const
true if metadata initialization can be done for a field in container c at action action.

◆ check_ara_move_constraints()

CanPackErrorCode ActionPhvConstraints::check_ara_move_constraints ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state,
const PHV::Container & c,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const

Besides actual actions, we need to check always run actions: (1) always run action does not overwrite other fields. For example, if we have two sources to one destination in one ARA, we need verify there's no other field in destination that are not mutex. (2) TODO: always run action can be synthesized: we cannot do it now because we don't have a way to get all ARA instructions for a specific point, and because we do table placement after PHV, it's always possible to have any ARA, so the check here is trying to avoid introducing new dependencies. table placement will add new stages when multiple instruction cannot be synthesized in one always run action.

◆ check_bitwise_and_basic_move_constraints()

CanPackErrorV2 ActionPhvConstraints::check_bitwise_and_basic_move_constraints ( const PHV::ActionSet & actions,
const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state,
const ActionPropertyMap * action_props ) const

returns an eroor when any action constraint of actions are violated if the destination container has slices in container_state.

◆ check_move_constraints()

CanPackErrorV2 ActionPhvConstraints::check_move_constraints ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const IR::MAU::Action * action,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & slices,
const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state,
const PHV::Container & c,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const

Checks whether packing slices into a container will violate MAU action constraints for all move-based instructions, using an action move constraint solver for normal container destination. For mocha and dark container, check basic constraints that: (1) mocha container can only be written in whole by ad/constant/container. (2) dark container can only be written in while by container.

◆ check_move_constraints_from_read()

CanPackErrorV2 ActionPhvConstraints::check_move_constraints_from_read ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & candidates,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const

Check action move constraints when a source slice is allocated in slices. It will iterate over all actions that has read any in slices and run move constraint checker on its destination container, with fields during the action.

◆ check_read_action_move_constraints()

CanPackErrorV2 ActionPhvConstraints::check_read_action_move_constraints ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & candidates,
const IR::MAU::Action * action,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const

Use action constraint solver to check move-based instruction constraints from reader-side, i.e., candidates are sources of instructions.

◆ check_read_action_num_source_constraints()

CanPackErrorV2 ActionPhvConstraints::check_read_action_num_source_constraints ( const PHV::Allocation & alloc,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & candidates,
const IR::MAU::Action * action ) const
error if the number of sources is more than allowed for in action, when we allocate sources candidates to alloc.

◆ checkBridgedPackingConstraints()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::checkBridgedPackingConstraints ( const ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & packing) const
true if the candidate bridged metadata packing packing satisfies action constraints

◆ compute_sources_first_order()

ordered_map< const PHV::Field *, int > ActionPhvConstraints::compute_sources_first_order ( const ordered_map< const PHV::Field *, std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > > & fields) const

compute_sources_first_order returns a mapping from field to an integer which represents the priority (lower number higher priority) if we need to allocate source fields first. Because fields can form a strongly connected component, i.e. a loop, in terms of writes, e.g. two fields write to each other, we will run a Tarjan algorithm first to replace those SCCs with a single node and then we run a topological sort. For example, Assume a <- b represents b writes to a, and we have

a <- b <- c <-> e ^ | d

will be converted to, a <- b <- {c, e} ^ | d

and the output will be, d, c, e: 1 b: 2 a: 3

i.e. we encounter a loop, convert that loop into one node.

◆ count_bitmasked_set_instructions()

int ActionPhvConstraints::count_bitmasked_set_instructions ( const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & slices,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions ) const

Counts the number of bitmasked-set instructions corresponding to slices in container c and allocation object alloc.

◆ creates_container_conflicts()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::creates_container_conflicts ( const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state,
const PHV::Allocation::LiveRangeShrinkingMap & initActions,
const MapTablesToActions & tableActionsMap ) const
true if this packing would create container conflicts because of metadata initialization issues.

◆ dest_first_sort()

void ActionPhvConstraints::dest_first_sort ( std::vector< const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * > & slice_list) const

sort slice_lists by

  1. a topographical order of their data flow graph, where destinations will be sorted to the front. Strongly-connected-components will be converted to one node. Every slice lists will be represented by the highest priority field (deepest in source to destination flow, i.e., like the last destination) of the list.
  2. number of actions that write to the slice list.
  3. lo part of the same-field list will be allcoated first.

◆ diagnoseSuperCluster()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::diagnoseSuperCluster ( const ordered_set< const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * > & sc,
const ordered_map< PHV::FieldSlice, unsigned > & fieldAlignments,
std::stringstream & error_msg ) const

Diagnose PHV allocation failure for supercluster sc containing field slices in slice lists with alignment sliceAlignments.

true if a concrete error violation is detected. Populates error_msg with the appropriate error message.

◆ field_destination()

std::optional< const PHV::Field * > ActionPhvConstraints::field_destination ( const PHV::Field * f,
const IR::MAU::Action * action ) const
the destination of field f in action action.
std::nullopt if f is not written in action.

◆ getActionSources()

ActionPhvConstraints::ActionSources ActionPhvConstraints::getActionSources ( const IR::MAU::Action * act,
const PHV::Container & c,
ordered_set< PHV::AllocSlice > & new_slices,
const PHV::Allocation & alloc ) const

Find all sources of an action that write to a given container

actaction for which to find the sources
cdestination container of interest for the action
new_slicesslices to be added to the allocation
alloccurrent Allocation object containing allocated slices
an ActionSources struct with the source information

FIXME: This function can be made non-public once live range shrinking/dark overlay functionality is merged and all initialization points are correctly exposed.

◆ hasPackConflict()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::hasPackConflict ( const PHV::FieldSlice fs1,
const PHV::FieldSlice fs2 ) const
true if the fieldslice fs1 and fs2 have a pack conflict.

◆ hasSpecialityReads()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::hasSpecialityReads ( const PHV::Field * f) const
true if the field f is written using a speciality read (METER_ALU, HASH_DIST, RANDOM, or METER_COLOR).

◆ is_bitmasked_set()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::is_bitmasked_set ( const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & container_state,
const ordered_set< PHV::AllocSlice > & fields_not_written_to ) const
true if the allocation container_state in a particular container, where slices in fields_not_written_to are not written in the given action, would result in the synthesis of a bitmasked-set instruction.

◆ is_in_action_to_writes()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::is_in_action_to_writes ( const IR::MAU::Action * action,
cstring write ) const

For GTest function. Checks if the action_to_writes ordered_map entry is valid or not

◆ is_in_field_writes_to_actions()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::is_in_field_writes_to_actions ( cstring write,
const IR::MAU::Action * action ) const

For GTest function. Checks if the field_writes_to_actions ordered_map entry is valid or not

◆ is_in_write_to_reads()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::is_in_write_to_reads ( cstring write,
const IR::MAU::Action * act,
cstring read ) const

For GTest function. Checks if the write_to_reads_per_action ordered_map entry is valid or not

◆ is_meter_color_destination_8bit()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::is_meter_color_destination_8bit ( const PHV::Field * f) const

[Relaxed Artificial Constraint]: Right now action bus allocation requires any destination written by meter colors to be allocated to a 8-bit PHV if the result of the operation can't be rotated. This set keeps a track of all such destinations.

◆ meter_color_dests() [1/2]

ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & ActionPhvConstraints::meter_color_dests ( )
all the fields that are written using meter color fields.

◆ meter_color_dests() [2/2]

const ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & ActionPhvConstraints::meter_color_dests ( ) const
all the fields that are written using meter color fields.

◆ meter_color_dests_8bit() [1/2]

ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & ActionPhvConstraints::meter_color_dests_8bit ( )
all the fields that are written using meter color fields that cannot be rotated.

◆ meter_color_dests_8bit() [2/2]

const ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > & ActionPhvConstraints::meter_color_dests_8bit ( ) const
all the fields that are written using meter color fields that cannot be rotated.

◆ move_only_operations()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::move_only_operations ( const PHV::Field * f) const
true if the field f is only ever written by move operations.

◆ pack_conflicts_present()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::pack_conflicts_present ( const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state,
const std::vector< PHV::AllocSlice > & slices ) const
true if there is a no-pack conflict between the fields in container_state.

◆ parser_constant_extract_satisfied()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::parser_constant_extract_satisfied ( const PHV::Container & c,
const PHV::Allocation::MutuallyLiveSlices & container_state ) const
true if parser constant extract constraints are satisfied for the candidate packing. This only applies to Tofino, where fields written to using constant extractors in the same parser state must be allocated within 4 consecutive bits of the same 16-bit container, and within consecutive 3 bits of the same 32 bit container. Note that this method will always return true for Tofino2, because no fields are marked as parser constant extract candidates by the ParserConstantExtract pass.

◆ slices_destinations()

ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > ActionPhvConstraints::slices_destinations ( const PHV::Field * src,
const std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > & slices ) const
the set of fields which are destinations of slices of f across all actions. NOTE: destination are returned iff it completely read from some slice in slices. e.g., assume we have f<32>[0:28] = a<32>[0:28]; slices_destinations(a, {a[0:31]}) will return {} instead of {f}, because the operation does not completely write any source slice.

◆ slices_sources()

ordered_set< const PHV::Field * > ActionPhvConstraints::slices_sources ( const PHV::Field * dest,
const std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > & slices ) const
the set of fields which are sources of slices of f across all actions. NOTE: sources are returned iff it completely writes some slice in slices. e.g., assume we have f<32>[0:28] = a<28>; slices_sources(f, {f[0:31]}) will return {} instead of {a}, because the operation does not completely write any source slice.

◆ sort() [1/2]

void ActionPhvConstraints::sort ( std::list< const PHV::SuperCluster::SliceList * > & slice_list) const

Approximates a topographical sorting of field lists such that all source-only slice lists are considered for allocation before destination-only slice lists. Sorts a given list of slice list such that the slice lists used the least times as sources are first allocated containers. If the number of times fields in a slice list is used as sources is the same as another slice list, the slice list which is written to in more actions ranks earlier in the sorting.

◆ sort() [2/2]

void ActionPhvConstraints::sort ( std::vector< PHV::FieldSlice > & slice_list) const

Approximates a topographical sorting of FieldSlices such that all FieldSlices used only as sources are considered for allocation before destination-only FieldSlices

◆ written_by_ad_constant()

bool ActionPhvConstraints::written_by_ad_constant ( const PHV::Field * f,
const IR::MAU::Action * act ) const
true if field f is written in action act by action data/constant source.

◆ written_in() [1/2]

bool ActionPhvConstraints::written_in ( const PHV::AllocSlice & slice,
const IR::MAU::Action * act ) const
true if field slice slice is written in action act.

◆ written_in() [2/2]

bool ActionPhvConstraints::written_in ( const PHV::Field * f,
const IR::MAU::Action * act ) const
true if field f is written in action act.