The P4 Compiler
No Matches
P4::DPDK Namespace Reference


struct  actionAttributes
class  AddFieldsToPseudoHeader
 This pass finally adds all the collected fields to pseudo header add collected pseudo header fields into dpdk_pseudo_header_t. More...
class  AlignHdrMetaField
class  BranchingInstructionGeneration
class  BreakLogicalExpressionParenthesis
struct  ByteAlignment
class  CheckExternInvocation
 Class which chooses the correct class for checking the constraints for invocations. of extern methods and functions depending on the architecture. More...
class  CheckPNAExternInvocation
 Class for checking constraints for invocations of PNA architecture extern methods and functions. More...
class  CollectActionUses
class  CollectAddOnMissTable
class  CollectDirectCounterMeter
class  CollectErrors
class  CollectExternDeclaration
class  CollectInternetChecksumInstance
class  CollectIPSecInfo
class  CollectLocalStructAndFlatten
class  CollectLocalVariables
class  CollectMetadataHeaderInfo
class  CollectProgramStructure
class  CollectStructLocalVariables
class  CollectTableInfo
class  CollectUseDefInfo
class  CollectUsedMetadataField
 This pass Collects all metadata struct member used in program. More...
class  ConvertActionSelectorAndProfile
class  ConvertBinaryOperationTo2Params
class  ConvertInternetChecksum
class  ConvertLogicalExpression
struct  ConvertLookahead
class  ConvertStatementToDpdk
class  ConvertToDpdkArch
class  ConvertToDpdkControl
class  ConvertToDpdkParser
class  ConvertToDpdkProgram
class  ConvertToString
class  CopyMatchKeysToSingleStruct
class  CopyPropagationAndElimination
 This pass identifies redundant copies/moves and eliminates them. More...
class  DeclarationInjector
class  DefActionValue
class  DirectionToRegRead
class  DismantleMuxExpressions
struct  DpdkAddPseudoHeader
class  DpdkAddPseudoHeaderDecl
 This pass adds a pseudo header declaration, it will be used as container of operands where dpdk instructions require it's operand to be in a header. It adds a type decl like below @__pseudo_header__ header dpdk_pseudo_header_t { }. More...
class  DpdkArchFirst
class  DpdkArchLast
class  DpdkAsmOptimization
class  DpdkBackend
class  DpdkContextGenerator
 This pass generates context JSON into user specified file. More...
struct  DpdkHandleIPSec
class  DpdkMidEnd
class  DpdkOptions
class  ElimHeaderCopy
class  EliminateHeaderCopy
class  EliminateUnusedAction
class  ElimUnusedActions
class  EmitDpdkTableConfig
class  EnumOn32Bits
class  ErrorWidth
class  ExpressionUnroll
struct  externAttributes
struct  fieldInfo
class  HaveNonHeaderChecksumArgs
class  HaveNonHeaderLargeOperandAssignment
 This pass checks whether an assignment statement has large operands (>64-bit). More...
class  IfStatementUnroll
class  InjectFixedMetadataField
class  InjectInternetChecksumIntermediateValue
class  InjectJumboStruct
class  InsertReqDeclForIPSec
class  IsDirectionMetadataUsed
struct  keyElementInfo
struct  keyInfo
class  LogicalExpressionUnroll
class  MoveCollectedStructLocalVariableToMetadata
class  MoveNonHeaderFieldsToPseudoHeader
 This pass identifies and collects statement which requires it's operand to be in a header and also initialize added header fields with original operand. i.e. csum_0.add<tuple_0>((tuple_0){f0 = m.Ingress_tmp_1,f1 = m.Ingress_tmp_2, f2 = m.Ingress_tmp_3,f3 = m.Ingress_tmp_4,f4 = m.Ingress_tmp_5}); transformed into h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo = (bit<16>)m.Ingress_tmp_1; h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_0 = (bit<16>)m.Ingress_tmp_2; h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_1 = (bit<8>)m.Ingress_tmp_3; h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_2 = (bit<32>)m.Ingress_tmp_4; h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_3 = (bit<32>)m.Ingress_tmp_5; csum_0.add<tuple_1>((tuple_1){f0 = h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo, f1 = h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_0,f2 = h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_1, f3 = h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_2,f4 = h.dpdk_pseudo_header.pseudo_3});. More...
class  PrependPassRecircId
class  PrependPDotToActionArgs
class  ProcessControls
 Only simplify complex expression in ingress/egress. More...
class  RemoveConsecutiveJmpAndLabel
class  RemoveLabelAfterLabel
class  RemoveRedundantLabel
 This pass removes label that no jmps jump to. More...
class  RemoveUnusedMetadataFields
 This pass removes all unused fields from metadata struct. More...
class  ReplaceHdrMetaField
struct  SelectionTable
 Selection table attributes. More...
class  ShortenTokenLength
 This pass shorten the Identifier length. More...
class  SplitActionProfileTable
class  SplitActionSelectorTable
class  SplitP4TableCommon
class  StatementUnroll
class  SwapSimpleExpressionToFrontOfLogicalExpression
class  SwitchHandler
struct  TableAttributes
class  TdiBfrtConf
class  ThreadJumps
struct  TopLevelCtxt
 Program level information for context json. More...
class  TypeWidthValidator
class  UpdateActionForSwitch
class  ValidateAddOnMissExterns
class  ValidateDirectCounterMeter
class  ValidateOperandSize


using DpdkContext = P4CContextWithOptions<DpdkOptions>
using UserMeta = std::set<cstring>


IR::Declaration_Instance * createRegDeclarationInstance (cstring instanceName, int regSize, int indexBitWidth, int initValBitWidth)
 Creates Register extern declaration for holding persistent information.
void expressionUnrollSanityCheck (const IR::Expression *e)
const IR::Type_Bits * getEightBitAlignedType (const IR::Type_Bits *tb)
int getMetadataFieldWidth (int width)
bool isCommutativeBinaryOperation (const IR::Operation_Binary *bin)
bool isDirection (const IR::Member *m)
bool isEightBitAligned (const IR::Expression *e)
bool isHeadersStruct (const IR::Type_Struct *st)
bool isInsideHeader (const IR::Expression *expr)
bool isLargeFieldOperand (const IR::Expression *e)
bool isMetadataField (const IR::Expression *e)
bool isMetadataStruct (const IR::Type_Struct *st)
bool isNonConstantSimpleExpression (const IR::Expression *e)
bool isSimpleExpression (const IR::Expression *e)
bool isStandardMetadata (cstring name)
bool isValidCall (const IR::MethodCallExpression *m)
bool isValidMemberField (const IR::Member *mem)
bool reservedNames (P4::ReferenceMap *refMap, const std::vector< cstring > &names, cstring &resName)
 Check for reserved names for DPDK target.
cstring toStr (const IR::Node *const n)
cstring TypeStruct2Name (const cstring *s)
cstring TypeStruct2Name (const cstring s)


const char DirectResourceTableEntryIndex [] = "table_entry_index"
const char PnaMainOutputMetadataOutputPortName [] = "pna_main_output_metadata_output_port"
 Name of the metadata used as output port.

Detailed Description

DPDK architecture assume the following control block signature.

control ingress(header h, metadata m); control egress(header h, metadata m); We need to convert psa control blocks to this form.

Passes defined in this file are used for generating Context JSON output for DPDK Context JSON is a JSON file used by the control plane software for manipulating tables and actions. It contains all relevant information regarding the tables and actions. The context JSON is based on the JSON Schema defined in DPDK_context_schema.json.

Class Documentation

◆ P4::DPDK::actionAttributes

struct P4::DPDK::actionAttributes

This structure holds action attributes required for context JSON which are not part of P4Action.

Class Members
unsigned actionHandle
bool allowed_as_default_action
bool allowed_as_hit_action
bool constant_default_action
cstring externalName
bool is_compiler_added_action
IndexedVector< Parameter > * params

◆ P4::DPDK::externAttributes

struct P4::DPDK::externAttributes
Class Members
cstring counterType
cstring externalName
cstring externType
unsigned table_id

◆ P4::DPDK::keyElementInfo

struct P4::DPDK::keyElementInfo
Class Members
int offsetInMetadata
int size

◆ P4::DPDK::keyInfo

struct P4::DPDK::keyInfo
Class Members
vector< struct keyElementInfo * > elements
bool isExact
bool isLearner
int numElements
int numExistingMetaFields
int size

◆ P4::DPDK::TableAttributes

struct P4::DPDK::TableAttributes

This structure holds table attributes required for context JSON which are not part of P4Table.

Class Members
cstring controlName
unsigned default_action_handle
cstring direction Direction of the table, can be ["ingress","egress"].
cstring externalName
bool idle_timeout_with_auto_delete
bool is_add_on_miss
bool isHidden
unsigned size
unsigned tableHandle Unique ID for the table.
vector< pair< cstring, cstring > > tableKeys
cstring tableType

Table type can one of "match", "selection" and "action Match table is a regular P4 table, selection table and action tables are compiler generated tables when psa_implementation is action_selector or action_profile.

Function Documentation

◆ expressionUnrollSanityCheck()

void P4::DPDK::expressionUnrollSanityCheck ( const IR::Expression * e)

This function is a sanity to check whether the component of a Expression falls into following classes, if not, it means we haven't implemented a handle for that class.

◆ getMetadataFieldWidth()

int P4::DPDK::getMetadataFieldWidth ( int width)

The DPDK pipeline requirement is all header/metadata fields to be multiple of 8bits. There is no limitation on total bit width. This function allows any bit width but if the width is odd size, then nearest multiple of 8bit value is returned.

◆ toStr()

cstring P4::DPDK::toStr ( const IR::Node * const )

This function translates nodes of different subclass of Expression, Type and PropertyValue in desired format. For example, for PathExpression, it returns PathExpression->path->name For Member, it returns toStr(Member->expr).Member->member etc.

Variable Documentation

◆ PnaMainOutputMetadataOutputPortName

const char P4::DPDK::PnaMainOutputMetadataOutputPortName[] = "pna_main_output_metadata_output_port"

Name of the metadata used as output port.

PNA specification does not contain standard metadata for specifying output port. rte_swx_pipeline in DPDK uses instruction 'tx' to specify the output port for a packet. To send a packet to a specific port, we need to do the following:

  • add definition of new metadata field to main metadata structure for rte_swx_pipeline
  • use the same name of this newly defined metadata field when assigning value of output port
  • use this metadata field with 'tx' instruction.