The P4 Compiler
No Matches
InstructionMemory::Use Struct Reference

#include <instruction_memory.h>


struct  VLIW_Instruction

Public Member Functions

void clear ()
void merge (const Use &alloc)
bool operator!= (const Use &u) const
bool operator== (const Use &u) const

Public Attributes

std::map< cstring, VLIW_Instructionall_instrs


std::ostream & operator<< (std::ostream &out, const Use &u)

Detailed Description

Instruction Memory requires two things:

  1. The RAM line position/color of a word
  2. The code for running this instruction that is written on the RAM line.

Each match saves with it an action to run. Rather than store a full address per match key, which would be 6 bits apiece, if the total number of possible hit actions are <= 8, then the address just needs to be a unique code between 0 and ceil_log2(hit_actions).

The row and color correspond to the instruction memory row and color, while the mem_code is used by the context JSON to know what to write on the SRAM for running this particular action.