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The P4 Compiler
This is the complete list of members for Clot, including all inherited members.
bit_offset(cstring parser_state, const PHV::FieldSlice *slice) const | Clot | |
byte_offset(cstring parser_state, const PHV::FieldSlice *slice) const | Clot | |
checksum_field_to_checksum_id (defined in Clot) | Clot | |
checksum_fields() const | Clot | inline |
Clot() | Clot | inline |
Clot(gress_t gress) (defined in Clot) | Clot | inlineexplicit |
Clot(gress_t gress, unsigned tag) (defined in Clot) | Clot | inlineexplicit |
Clot(cstring) (defined in Clot) | Clot | explicit |
Clot(JSONLoader &json) (defined in Clot) | Clot | explicit |
ClotInfo (defined in Clot) | Clot | friend |
csum_unit | Clot | |
fields_to_slices() const | Clot | inline |
fromJSON(JSONLoader &json) (defined in Clot) | Clot | inlinestatic |
GreedyClotAllocator (defined in Clot) | Clot | friend |
gress | Clot | |
has_slice(const PHV::FieldSlice *slice) const | Clot | |
is_checksum_field(const PHV::Field *field) const | Clot | |
is_first_field_in_clot(const PHV::Field *field) const | Clot | |
is_phv_field(const PHV::Field *field) const | Clot | |
length_in_bytes(cstring parser_state) const (defined in Clot) | Clot | |
operator<(const Clot &clot) const | Clot | inlinevirtual |
operator==(const Clot &clot) const | Clot | inlinevirtual |
parser_state_to_slices() const | Clot | inline |
pov_bit (defined in Clot) | Clot | |
stack_depth (defined in Clot) | Clot | |
stack_inc (defined in Clot) | Clot | |
tag | Clot | |
tag_count | Clot | static |
toJSON(JSONGenerator &json) const | Clot | |
toString() const (defined in Clot) | Clot |