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The P4 Compiler
This is the complete list of members for TypeMap, including all inherited members.
addSubstitutions(const TypeVariableSubstitution *tvs) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
checkMap(const IR::Node *node) const (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | inline |
clear() (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
cloneExpressionProperties(const IR::Expression *to, const IR::Expression *from) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
contains(const IR::Node *element) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
dbprint(std::ostream &out) const override (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | virtual |
equivalent(const IR::Type *left, const IR::Type *right, bool strict=false) const | TypeMap | |
fake (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | protected |
getCanonical(const IR::Type *type) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
getSubstitution(const IR::ITypeVar *var) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
getSubstitutions() const (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
getType(const IR::Node *element, bool notNull=false) const (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
getTypeType(const IR::Node *element, bool notNull) const (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
implicitlyConvertibleTo(const IR::Type *from, const IR::Type *to) const | TypeMap | |
isCompileTimeConstant(const IR::Expression *expression) const (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
isLeftValue(const IR::Expression *expression) const (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
mapKind (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | protected |
print() const (defined in P4::IHasDbPrint) | P4::IHasDbPrint | |
program (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | protected |
ProgramMap(std::string_view kind) (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | inlineexplicitprotected |
setCompileTimeConstant(const IR::Expression *expression) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
setLeftValue(const IR::Expression *expression) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
setStrictStruct(bool value) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
setType(const IR::Node *element, const IR::Type *type) (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | |
size() const (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
strictStruct | TypeMap | |
typeIsEmpty(const IR::Type *type) const | TypeMap | |
TypeMap() (defined in TypeMap) | TypeMap | inline |
updateMap(const IR::Node *node) (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | inline |
validateMap(const IR::Node *node) const (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | inline |
widthBits(const IR::Type *type, const IR::Node *errorPosition, bool max) const | TypeMap | |
~IHasDbPrint()=default (defined in P4::IHasDbPrint) | P4::IHasDbPrint | virtual |
~ProgramMap() (defined in P4::ProgramMap) | P4::ProgramMap | inlineprotectedvirtual |